Shine Not Burn

“I want to come when I’m inside you,” he said huskily.

“Yes. Please, Mack. Come inside.” Rational thought was gone. All I wanted was to feel him filling me completely, to enjoy the sensation of his cock stretching me to the limit. He was way bigger than any man I’d ever been with before, and I welcomed the new experience with open arms and open legs.

Suddenly he was gone from between my legs and I heard a condom wrapper tearing. Then he was suspended above me with stiff arms, his palms planted on the bed at my sides. One of them slipped under my waist and dragged me closer to the top of the bed. I ran my hands up the bulging muscles of his forearms and biceps and snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him down to me. I reveled in the smell of our passion on his mouth.

His hard length pushed against me, begging to come inside as he lowered his body to mine. We kissed and tasted each other’s tongues, the passion still as strong as it had been when he was between my legs.

I reached a hand down along with one of his, and together we guided the head of his erection over to my opening. I was completely ready for him.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

It seemed like a crazy question considering where our mouths had just been, but I guess he was just one of those guys who put the actual act of sex up on a different pedestal. “Yes, I’m sure,” I said between tongue-heavy kisses, certain I wasn’t risking anything. The cocktails probably had a lot to do with it, but I didn’t care one bit. The passion had overruled any ounce of common sense I might have had, which explained what this sexy stranger who I’d just met was doing in my room right now. “Just put it in me, please.” I was begging but I didn’t care. Shameless would be my new middle name.

At first, there was some resistance, my folds so heavy with passion they were blocking his entry. He reached down once more to move the tip around, guiding it in slowly with an expert hand.

I cried out, spreading my legs and pushing my hips forward, urging him to come in deeper.

“Mmmm, just be patient,” he said, a devilish smile forming under my kisses.

“I can’t,” I begged, “please.”

He slid into me just the slightest bit more and then pulled out, deftly avoiding my attempts at getting him to go in deeper.

“You’re teasing me,” I said, waiting breathlessly for his next move. I both loved and despised what he was doing to me.

He pushed the head in a little farther this time. Leaving it there for a few seconds, he moved his hips in a small circle and then pulled back again. It was like he was dipping into a honey pot or something, just getting a taste and giving a taste and then disappearing. It was maddening and delicious.

“You’re evil,” I said, putting my hands on his hips. I was prepared to do whatever necessary to get him to do this thing all the way, including forcing him down on top of me.

“Oh yeah? You really think so?” He pushed into me, stopping when he was halfway in. He pulsed himself in and out in short little strokes before pulling out again.

“Yes. I really, really think so,” I said, breathing fast as I anticipated his next move. I squirmed with anticipation, making myself mad with the not-knowing. Would this be it? Would this be the time he went in all the way, deep?

“Yesssss…,” I hissed out as he slowly buried his full length into me. It just kept going and going, making me think for a few crazy seconds that it wasn’t going to stop. I put my hands on his ass and pushed him in as far as he’d go, grinding myself into his lower abdomen and crying out with the sensations it created. Moving my hips in circles and bucking against him while he was buried inside me was what did it; it’s what started me on the road to nowhere and everywhere all at once.

He drew himself out with agonizing slowness and then began the tortue all over again, burying himself to the hilt and pausing for several seconds before pulling out again in a dizzying stroke of pure sex, pure animal need. Over and over, I pushed against him while pulling his rear end down, forcing him to go deep, to increase his rhythm and give me the friction I needed.

“You’re going to make me come if you keep doing that,” he said, gritting his teeth with the effort of holding back. “Holy sh … God, that feels so good.” He finished sentence almost out of breath. “How are you doing that?”