Shine Not Burn

I positioned myself over him. Moving my hips in small circles, I eased the head of his cock into my warmth. I came down slowly, pushing past the opening to take him all the way in. I only stopped when I was fully impaled, his head pressing against the end of the road.

“Damn, girl,” was all he could manage. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes as his hips moved in a rhythm that instantly threw all ideas of conversation out the window.

I was still sensitive and swollen from our last session, so it didn’t take long for me to get close to orgasm. But the sensations were different this time. Sharp. Wild. A lot out of control. I needed speed and pounding, not soft and gentle strokes. I moved up and down his length, landing hard to give my body the ache it desired.

He met me thrust for thrust, his erection so firm it felt like steel. I screamed out a few times in my frustration, not able to get what I was seeking. Something … something … I didn’t know what. It stayed just out of my grasp. I needed it but I didn’t know what It was.

He growled once loudly and sat up, flipping me over onto my back on one smooth movement. Then he pulled out of me and turned me onto my stomach. “Put your ass in the air,” he ordered, grabbing me under my hips and jerking my rear end up.

I complied without a sound. I wanted this. This was It.

He pulled my folds apart with his thumbs and buried himself in me once again. Scooting his bent knees in slightly under me, he used the top of my thighs for leverage as he pounded into me, heaving my body into the pillows at the head of the bed with every thrust.

I was angled up so far, I could feel his balls hitting my clit. Just the slight tap, tap, tapping was driving me wild. It wasn’t enough. But his harsh thrusts were exactly what I’d needed, even though I hadn’t known it until just now.

“Yes! Yes!” I screamed, not caring that they’d hear me out in the hallways and possibly on the floor below too.

“God, I love fucking you,” he said between gritted teeth, the sound of our bodies slapping against one another echoing out into the room.

“Yes, fuck me, please, fuck me!” I was begging shamelessly, but it just felt so right. I wanted to be his, to be taken by him every single night of my life. I felt like I hadn’t truly lived as a woman until this moment.

I was riding the crest of a wave I didn’t understand. I was getting satisfaction from a hard fucking, something I’d never liked before. Where was this pleasure coming from? It had to be the most base, animal part of me. The passion was savage, carrying me away to another place and making me think and say and do things I never would have thought I was capable of.

“Aaaaarrrrhh!” he shouted, sounding like a wild man sending out his war cry.

“Aaahhhh!” I screamed. I was so close, so close!

He collapsed on top of me, trapping his hand under my body. His finger came up to rub my clit as he pounded into me with jerking motions, grunting and growling with every thrust.

That simple touch. Those two fingers barely touching me in the most inelegant way while he filled me completely. That’s all I needed to disappear into myself, to fall into the passion that threatened to overwhelm and swallow me whole. I spread my legs as wide as I could, angled my ass back as much as possible, and rode the wave as high and as hard as I could, screaming the entire way.

He came inside me for the second time that night, and I experienced an orgasm like I’d never even dreamed of having, even with my very vivid imagination.

Minutes later, or maybe it was hours, Mack slid off me and fell to his side next to me. I looked up at him, my hair in a tangle over my face.

“What are you looking at?” I asked in a smartass tone.

“A beautiful woman who makes me think I can fly.”

“So what’s next?” I asked, fearing the answer. It was past midnight and Candice was sure to be back soon.

“I have a really wild, really crazy, really stupid idea.”

“What, like having condomless sex?”

He grimaced. “Sorry about that. Is it… going to be a problem?”

“Don’t apologize, it was my fault. And I’m on the pill.”

“I’m clean if it makes you feel better. Doctor says so.”

“Me too.”

“Good. But back on track … that wasn’t what I was talking about.”

I got up onto my elbows, blowing my hair out of my face. “Okay, then, lay it on me, hot stuff.”

“You sure?”

I pointed at my face. “Does this look like a woman who doesn’t know what she wants?”

He tackled me onto my back, and forced a kiss on me. I let it melt into more heat for a few seconds before putting my hands on the sides of his face and pushing him away. “Stop stalling and tell me.”

He jumped out of the bed and started pulling his jeans on. “Come on. We’re going out.”

I sat up, confused. “Out? I thought we were going to snuggle.”

“Yeah. Out now, snuggling later.” He picked up my dress and held it out in my direction.

I scooted slowly to the edge of the bed, holding out my hand for the dress. I took it when he brought it closer, not sure how I felt about this sudden energy burst and mystery trip out. The cocktails and sex were like a sleeping potion, and all I wanted to do was rest.