No Limit

Clenching my teeth, I kept my wits about me and waited patiently for the right time to strike. Something had to give. I had no energy, but I sure as hell had the determination. Drake started convulsing on the bed and I shot up out of the chair. “Oh my God!”

Blaine circled around and rushed over to him. With his attention temporarily distracted, I sprang into action. I didn’t go for the door like a normal person; instead, I charged toward him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I tackled him into the wall, slamming his head against it. The knife fell from his grasp and he growled in anger. I hit him in the nose with my knee, his blood splattering all over me. As hard as I could, I struck my elbow down on his kidney, and his knees hit the floor. I tried to jump around him, but he grabbed my legs and I toppled like a ton of bricks.

“You stupid, goddamn cunt,” he spat. He tried to pull me toward him, but I held onto the bed post and reached for the knife.

It was so close.

Letting out a guttural scream, I kicked him over and over until his grip loosened just a bit. It gave me the leverage I needed to move that last inch. With the knife in hand, I swung it back and sliced him across the chest. Blood poured from the wound and his eyes grew dark.

“You’re gonna wish you were fucking dead by the time I get through with you.” He slapped me so hard across the cheek, I saw stars and dropped the knife. It went skittering across the floor, but now I had his weight on me. His hands were everywhere, his blood smearing across my skin as he pushed his body into mine.

“Get off of me,” I screamed, trying desperately to push him away. I jammed my finger into the gash on his chest and he roared in pain. Elbowing him in the face, I slid out from under him and scrambled to get to my feet. Before I could even get my footing, his body tackled into mine and we came down hard. I cried out in pain, knowing my body was close to shutting down.

Pulling my arms behind my back, he roughly pushed me into the floor, his hot breath on my ear. “I thought I was going to have a little fun with you, but it looks like I’ll be fucking your dead corpse instead.”

“Good luck trying to pin it on your father,” I hissed.

He pushed his arousal into my backside. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. As soon as I’m done, I have plenty of my father’s spooge to put inside you, thanks to his many fucks.”

“You’ve seriously lost your goddamned mind.” In that moment, I knew my time had come to an end. I envisioned the last time I saw Jason smile and held that memory in my mind. If I was going to die I wanted him there with me, even if he was just in my heart. But there was one thing for certain, I would go down fighting. “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you do to me,” I hissed. “I’m happy knowing that once Jason finds you he’ll rip you into fucking pieces.”

He gripped a handful of my hair, jerking my head back. “And how is he going to find out?”

“Because I’m an FBI agent cocksucker. Enjoy being ass raped when you go to prison. You’re going to have the whole bureau coming down on your head.”

He froze and I could just imagine the look on his face, but I used that moment of shock to act. As hard as I could, I reared my head back and hit him in the nose, the sound of it cracking making me cringe. I rolled to the side and away from him. Blood poured from his nose and his eyes were on fire as he got to his feet, stalking toward me.

I kept rolling away until a voice screamed my name from below. I gasped, thinking I had to have imagined it, but Blaine reacted to it as well. He was there. Jason was actually there.


“Jason!” I screamed back, desperate for him to hear me. “Jason, hurry!” His footsteps thundered up the stairs and he wasn’t alone. Blaine grabbed the knife off of the floor and charged toward me. “Jason, please!”

The door burst open just as Blaine ripped me off the floor and put the knife to my throat. Tears streamed down my cheeks when I finally got to see Jason, his gun drawn and pointing right at Blaine’s head. The second he got a good look at me, his eyes blazed.

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