No Limit

“Son of a bitch,” he growled, grabbing his head.

I didn’t waste time racing out the door. The house was huge and I had no idea where to go. If I had to dive out of a window I’d do it. He wasn’t behind me and I breathed a sigh of relief as my salvation seemed within reach. I was so close to the front door. Then Blaine flew out of nowhere and tackled me to the floor.

“Looks like you want it the hard way.” His fist lifted high in the air and it was the last thing I saw before it connected to the side of my cheek. I saw stars as pain exploded in my head, but then the darkness took over. I had failed.

My jaw throbbed and I groaned as I tried to lift my head, the silky sheets below me sticking to my face with dried blood.

“You are going to be one brain dead bitch by the time I get through with you,” Blaine griped. He grabbed my bound wrists and roughly hoisted me to stand on my shackled feet. The room spun and I almost fell, but he lifted me in his arms.

I didn’t even have the strength to fight. “You’re not going to get away with this.” Laughing, he kicked the bathroom door open and dropped me to the floor. I couldn’t break the fall since my hands were tied and ended up landing on my hip. “So help me God, if you put another bruise on my body I’m going to rip your dick off.”

He turned on the shower and the steam started to fill up the room. “Not if it’s inside your *,” he taunted, lifting me up by the arm. I could only take tiny steps with my bound ankles. Once I got to the shower, he pushed me the rest of the way in, my shoulder slamming into the tile wall. “Do you think anyone’s going to care what happens to a worthless whore? Look how easily the other ones were tossed to the side.”

That might’ve been true in the way our world was fucked up, but my people were going to make sure I was found. Jason would find me. I had to believe he would. With his hand on my neck, he forced my head under the water and it turned pink with my blood. “I’m perfectly capable of taking a shower by myself,” I growled.

His body brushed up against my backside and I clenched my thighs together as hard as I could. Thoughts of him raping me ran through my mind. I wasn’t going down without a fight.

“I know you can, but I thought it’d be more enjoyable this way.” He washed my hair and more blood ran down the drain. Adrenaline surged through my veins so hard, I didn’t even notice the pain. I concentrated on keeping my body alert and my legs tight. Taking the bar of soap, he reached around my waist and rubbed it over my stomach. I tensed and hissed when he lifted it to my breasts. “Just relax,” he murmured in my ear.

“Fuck you.”

Slamming me against the wall, he forced his cock between my legs, sliding it against my thighs. “I bet you want me to fuck you right now. If I was to jam my dick inside you I’m sure it’d slide right in, wouldn’t it?” My breaths came out in rapid pants as I prepared myself to fight. Luckily, it didn’t come to that. He pulled back – letting my neck go – and washed himself off, chuckling under his breath. “Before I fuck you, we’re going to have some fun first.” Shutting off the water, he jerked me out and I stood there as he dried off his body and then mine, smiling at my torment. “I think it’s time we say hello to our guest of honor.”

Lifting me in his arms, I felt exposed and completely vulnerable not wearing any clothes as he carried me through the house. I had a feeling I knew who the guest of honor was going to be. Once up the stairs, he carried me into another bedroom, but this one was larger, almost exactly like the same room I had been in back in Vegas.

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