No Limit

Drake was on the bed, pale and struggling to breathe. When his eyes caught mine, they widened. “What’s going on?”

Blaine dropped me into one of the chairs and marched over to a dresser. He pulled out a set of lingerie and a pair of clean jeans from a duffle bag hidden in the corner, along with a large knife. “You’re about to die. That’s what’s going on,” he announced.

Drake furrowed his brows, clearly delusional. “I don’t understand.”

Rolling his eyes, Blaine came over to me and slid the knife through the cable ties, freeing me. “Fucking idiot,” he mumbled under his breath. Then to me he said, “If you so much as try to escape again, I will gut you nice and slow, so you feel every fucking rip of your muscles.” He tossed the black, lacy babydoll lingerie onto my lap. “Put that on.”

Not wasting any time, I slid it on, thankful I wasn’t naked anymore. “What did you do to him?”

Blaine walked over to his father. “He took a few too many pain pills this morning.”

“No,” Drake choked out. “I did no such thing.”

Blaine lifted Drake’s chin with the knife. “Yes, you did. You’ve been distraught over murdering those whores you’ve been sticking your dick in and now you went over the edge after murdering your wife. You couldn’t handle the guilt.”

“This makes no sense. Wh—why are you . . . what is going on? Where’s Georgia?”

Watching Blaine torment his father made me sick to my stomach. I never noticed it the night I met him, but he looked at Drake with utter disdain. What could’ve ever made a son turn on his own father like that? Blaine licked his lips and sneered. “She’s dead. After I fucked her in the ass, I slit her throat. You should thank me. It was her idea to blackmail you in the first place.”

“She wanted to kill the girls?” I gasped.

Drake was clearly out of it and not understanding a word that was being said. Blaine slid the knife away from Drake’s chin – cutting it – before focusing on me. “She was jealous when she found out my father was cheating on her with common whores. That’s when I came into the picture and started fucking her. Together we came up with a plan to get him out of our lives for good.

She was one evil bitch when it came to those cunts. After I was done with them, she liked to fuck them up. And as you’re aware, nobody cares if someone like you shows up dead. We tried to pin the murders on my father, but money and power in this city buys silence. That’s why I had to step it up a notch.”

“I bet Georgia didn’t know she was going to see the edge of your knife on this deal,” I countered.

He scoffed. “She was falling apart. When I caught her fucking him last night,” he said, pointing the knife at Drake, “I knew she had to go.”

“What was all of this for? Why would you kill your own family, not to mention countless other women?”

His lips spread into an evil grin. “Money, power. I’ll finally have it all once I take over his part of Randall Enterprises. I’ll be untouchable.”

I shook my head, appalled. “Untouchable, my ass. You’re nothing but a spoiled, greedy bastard. This plan isn’t just going to blow up in your face, it’s going to fuck you in the ass.”

“You are so clueless, it’s sad. Let me guess, you flunked hair school. Is that why you became a whore?”

I wasn’t about to tell him who I was, but even if I didn’t escape, he’d left around so much evidence that he was involved. His DNA was everywhere. Talk about being fucking clueless. Instead, I lied. “Actually, it was dental school, asshole.”

Blaine laughed. “You sure do have a smart ass mouth. I’m surprised you haven’t already been beaten to death.”

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