No Limit

“For now. Don’t know how he’ll be when he finds out what happened. Out of all the people it could’ve been, I never thought it’d be his son.”

“And his wife,” I added. “She was the one who used the knife on the others. She was jealous of Drake sleeping with them. That’s when she started messing around with Blaine, who only ever wanted his dad’s position and power. Apparently, they came up with the whole blackmail scheme together. After the first murder, they thought it would be pinned on Drake, but it never happened. That’s why they continued to kill, in hopes it would lead to him.”

“And I bet Drake paid off the media to keep suspicion away from him. It would clearly ruin his image.”

I nodded. “I guess you can’t blame the guy considering he was innocent, but it still doesn’t change the fact that he could buy people’s silence. If he was actually the killer, he could’ve easily gotten away with murder.”

“Why do you think I got you two involved?” Ryan countered.

“Because we’re the best,” I said, hoping to brighten Jason up. I winked at him and he smirked.

“Is there anything else?”

I shook my head. “I think that’s it. I’m just glad it’s over. My only regret is that we couldn’t save any of the other girls.”

Ryan stood and walked around to Jason, placing his hand on his shoulder. “You did good, son, both of you,” he added, meeting my gaze. “Once everything’s settled, I’m sure you’ll be heading back home, correct?”

“I guess so,” Jason replied. “I have some people I want to say goodbye to and I’m sure Aylee does as well.” I did, but the thought of telling everyone goodbye made my chest ache.

Ryan held out his hand and Jason shook it. “Just make sure to stop by and see me before you go. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve both done.”

“Thanks, chief. I think we’re going to need a vacation after this.”

“That’s an understatement,” I added with a laugh.

Ryan smiled at us both and backed away toward the door, leaving Jason and I alone. We stared at each other for the longest time, his fingers tracing softly up my arm and back down to my hand. Lifting my hand to his cheek, he closed his eyes. “I love you, Aylee. I was so afraid I’d never be able to say it to you ever again.” When he opened his eyes, a tear slid down his cheek. It was my undoing.

“I love you too. But there’s one thing I need to know.”

“Anything,” he murmured.

“How were you able to find me?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, a sheepish grin spread across his face. “Let’s just say it all started the night I snuck into your room.”

One Week Later

“He hasn’t said a word about you two staying together or making things work?” Diane asked incredulously.

I scooped a huge bite of her famous broccoli and cheese quiche into my mouth and rolled my eyes. “Nope, and tomorrow’s our last night in Vegas.”

“Why don’t you ask him then? You both love each other, so why not?”

“You know why I don’t.”

She snorted. “You don’t want to look needy. I swear, for a girl who runs head first into danger you sure do cower at the thought of love. Makes no sense.”

I sighed. “I just don’t want to hear him say he can’t do it, that it’d be too hard.”

“Do you think it will?”

“I know it won’t be easy living that far away from each other, but I’m willing to try.”

“That’s the first step, sweetheart. I’m sure he’s thought about all of this and is just waiting for the right time. You still have until tomorrow night. Just be patient.”

“The right time would’ve been days ago. He’s already booked his flight home.”

“Have you?”

I looked down at my food and sighed. “Not yet. I told him I did, but I kept hoping something would change. With him scheduling his flight it’s obvious he’s going home no matter what.”

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