No Limit

Instead of going back to the hotel straight away, I spent the last couple of hours taking pictures of the strip. I’d been around for weeks and hadn’t taken a single one. I didn’t even have one of me and Jason. My phone going dead was my cue to call it quits. It was only about a mile walk back to the hotel and I needed the time to myself to think. The ache in my chest grew worse knowing I only had one more day to be with him. And it hurt even more that he hadn’t said a word about us continuing our relationship.

When I opened the door to our room, my eyes went wide in shock. “Oh my God,” I breathed. The lingering sun shone through the tall glass windows, shining on a table set up with candles and two covered dishes. Jason stood by the window with a gin and tonic in his hand, gazing out at the city. “Jason this is beautiful.”

He turned his green gaze my way, his lips tilting up in a smirk. “I thought we could spend this night alone, just you and me.”

Throwing my purse on the counter, I strolled into his outstretched arms. He held me tight and I breathed him in. “I think it’s a great idea. Did you have fun with Tyler and Kyle?”

Kissing the top of my head, he let me go and helped me into my seat at the table. “I did. They asked about you. I told them you were doing much better.”

“I wish I could’ve said goodbye, but I needed to see Diane.” He sat down across from me and lifted the tops of our food. We both had Oscar-style filet mignon with mashed potatoes and asparagus. It smelled like heaven.

“I understand. Was she sad?”

My eyes burned. “A little, but I promised we’d talk every week. She’s shipping me a ton of winter clothes up to Maine.”

“That’s nice of her. Did she give you that bracelet too?” he asked, his gaze focusing on the glittering diamond bracelet.

I shook my head. “Ronnie, actually. It’s a thank you present.” I wanted to tell him about the other thing she offered, but I didn’t want to spoil the mood.

“She sent me something too,” he added, holding up his wrist. He had on a brand new watch that had to cost thousands.

I cleared my throat. “She didn’t happen to offer you anything else did she?”

His brows furrowed. “No, why?”

He was speaking the truth so I didn’t even bother elaborating. “No reason, I was just asking.” I took a few bites of my food and looked out the window. The light show was always so beautiful at night; it was the perfect backdrop for dinner.

“I thought you would’ve been back earlier. What all did you and Diane do today?”

“We ate lunch at her restaurant and then we went back to her shop. For the past couple of hours, I walked down the strip and took pictures. Then I realized I don’t have any of us. We need to take some together before we leave.” A sly smile spread across his lips. “Why do you look like that?”

He shrugged. “No reason. We can take as many pictures as you want.” We finished eating and then he waltzed up to the stereo, turning on the music. It was a slow, sensual beat with no lyrics. He held his hand out and bowed his head. “Will you dance with me?”

“Of course,” I agreed, taking his hand. He twirled me around and put one arm around my waist and clasped his other hand with mine. We swayed to the music, keeping our eyes only on each other. “Will you miss Vegas?”

Smiling, he bit his lip. “I’ll miss playing poker. But, at least now I have enough money to buy the land I want. I love living in the city, but I’ve always wanted land to build a cabin. The North Carolina mountains are amazing.”

“I bet they’re beautiful.”

As soon as the song ended, Jason fetched his phone. “Smile, firecracker.” He held me close and took a couple of pictures with us together. I then held up mine so I could have my own.

“Thanks. I just wanted to have some memories to take back with me to Maine.”

His hands splayed across my back and he leaned in to kiss me. “And I’m hoping to give you plenty more tonight.”

My body melted against his as he held me tight, tasting me, touching me. I opened myself up to him and let him take control. I yearned to hear him say that we’d be together, but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to happen. A tear slid down my cheek, but Jason didn’t seem to notice.

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