No Limit

His eyes raked over my body. “He’s fine, probably in the hospital. I can’t say the same for you though. You woke up a lot earlier than expected.”

“Trust me, I’d have preferred not seeing you fuck your stepmother and then slice her throat open.”

His eyes widened. “No wonder my father couldn’t wait to fuck you again.”

“I didn’t fuck your father,” I hissed.

“No? He said he did. Why would he lie?”

“Because I made him think we did. I can be quite persuasive.”

He stared at me. “Intriguing. You’re not reacting the way I thought you would. Most women would be scared right now, especially after watching me kill someone. One would almost think you’ve seen it before.”

I had seen death and it scared me, but I wasn’t afraid of him. I was afraid of not having a plan. “I have killed people, Mr. Blackwell. So maybe it’s you who should be afraid of me.”

Holding the door open, he waved me forward, holding back his chuckle. “Whatever you say. Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“Upstairs. Not unless you want to stay down here with a rotting corpse.” When I didn’t move, he pursed his lips, losing patience. “Either you move those feet of yours or I’ll drag you upstairs by your hair. Personally, I’d rather not because I kind of like that red hair of yours, besides I’m sure you have a screaming headache right now.”

It was true, I did. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and took my first step. I kept my head held high and walked past him, only for him to grab my arm.

“Good girl. It’s time to get you cleaned up.”

“Cleaned up for what?”

“You’ll see. But I think right now we could both use a shower.” He winked down at me and my stomach clenched.

Gripping my arm tight, he walked me past Georgia’s corpse and the torture table, managing to get us by without stepping on the blood. I could only imagine the kind of torment the other women had endured while being stuck down there. He flipped off the lights like it was no big deal to leave a dead body on the floor. There was a long hallway with multiple doors. The one he chose led up a set of stairs to another shut door.

I willingly followed him up, knowing very damn well anything was going to be better than the basement. When he opened the door, I squinted my eyes away from the sunlight. My heart sank. It was daylight, which meant I’d been gone for hours, if not days. “Who’s house is this?”

He jerked me across the marble floors. “My father’s. He never came up here.”

“Let me guess, it’s where you and Georgia came to kill the other women? This house reeks of death.”

Stopping mid-step, he turned to face me, eyes narrowed. “What do you know about that? There hasn’t been anything in the media.”

Pushing me into one of the bedrooms, I tripped over the carpet and fell. I looked around the room for anything I could use as a weapon and smiled. I had lots of choices. “Yes, I know. Your daddy made perfectly sure it wouldn’t be. However, secrets only stay hidden for so long. Tell me, does he have any idea about your extracurricular activities?”

“No, but he will soon. Now get undressed and get in the shower. We need to clean up.”


He scoffed. “Surely you didn’t think I was going to leave you out of my sight.” Undoing his jeans, he let them fall to the floor. I made no move to get out of my bra and underwear. “We can do this the easy or the hard way. Your choice.”

I was a good distance away from him and if I could just get to the door, I might have a chance at escape. He stepped forward and I stepped back toward the dresser, reaching behind my back like I was unlatching my bra. All I had to do was grab the lamp. As fast as I could, I twirled and snatched it, swinging it around with my body, smacking him across the head. The thing shattered and I took off.

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