Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Yeah. He’s hit me up since I’ve been in town. Maybe we will roll through. The night's still young,” Azmir ended that line looking to me for approval. I shrug my shoulders in agreement.

“But wait! Before y'all bounce I want you to meet Ragee, man.” Mike turned and demanded a young female to go and grab Ragee right away and she quickly scurried off. Turning back to us he said, “Yo, D, I really need all the help I can get with this one, man! The label is putting alotta dough behind him because I promised I could get people like you to push work.”

While Mike pleaded, Azmir held an insusceptible face giving an occasional nod. My poor Azmir wasn't interested. He was getting hassled and it didn't look good.

See, MirMir, this is why I don't like you buying me things. I don't want you to ever get the impression that I only value what you do for me materialistically. I wished I could explain this to him and soon.

“Yeah, man. I heard what you did for RinRin. That marketing plan was genius.” Azmir's arms tightened around me again. He was uneasy.

“Money, hands ain't been that deep in the industry in a minute. I'm in a different industry all together.”

“Yeah, I heard that, D, man...but you still got radio connects in LA. I just need you to vouch for me. This why I want you to meet him, man.”

And as if on cue, Ragee walked up on Mike and taps him on the shoulder. When Mike turned over to him telling him who Azmir was, I whispered to Azmir, “I'm going to the ladies room and when I return I'll be ill and need to leave.” I nodded slowly and he winked at me conspiratorially. I walked off just as Mike started his introductions.

I strolled over to the bartender and asked to be pointed to the restrooms, to which he did. No line. Great! I walked right in. I really didn't have to go and didn't want to leave Azmir out there too long but figured I'd excrete what I could, considering there would be more drinking and socializing after this gig. When I walked out of the stall, I washed my hands and refreshed my lipstick before returning to my tortured friend.

As I approached him, I noticed his eyes were already fastened to me. I employed my pouting face and began the show.

“Sweetheart, you don't look so good,” Azmir consoled.

“No, I'm feeling a little nauseous. I need some air. I'm sorry to cut your time so short.” I gave a convincing moue.

“A'ight, cap'tin. That's my cue. Have your people call me. There are a couple of events coming up over there that you may wanna represent at,” Azmir bode.

“A'ight, big homey! Don't forget about me, man. I can use this push,” Mike pleaded as we headed out the door.

When we arrived at Marqui, man, was it star studded! We headed straight to VIP with our security behind us. I really didn't understand why we needed muscle. I didn't understand who was Azmir that he was so acclaimed in the music industry. He's not an artist neither a musician. I knew his talents were boundless, but this really had me stumped.

What was even more fortuitous was the caliber of celebrity that was in the building that night. And I mean high roller entertainment figures! I was further blown away at how much love they showed Azmir. Several of them were at his birthday party a couple of months back.

All eyes were on us—mainly him. Azmir gripped my hand through every handshake, dap, and hug he gave. I was so relieved when he didn't attempt to introduce me. I was overwhelmed. I saw people on their blackberries and others dancing.

To my left was a beautiful caramel complexioned woman who I swore licked her lips at me. My head swung to my right and I walked up so close to Azmir that my breasts touched his back. Other VIP patrons nodded and gave pleasant smiles to which I returned.

We sat on a plush leather sofa and were immediately offered Ace of Spades. Azmir took two and handed me a glass. I had no idea what Ace of Spades was but followed suit and sipped from it. Delicious.

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