Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“A'ight, Divine.”

At this time, I was pretty much awake but kept my sleepy eyes closed. I felt Azmir's cool breath on my face as he held me like a feather. My abdominal muscles tightened and I involuntarily exhaled deeply. The next thing I felt were his lips next to mine, but he didn't kiss me. I opened my eyes to see what the hold up was and caught his wanting eyes drunken with desire looking down on me. He slowly blinked and when his eyes opened, he had applied a new coat of will power. I moved my hand to the back of his head to initiate an embrace but the sound of the elevator bell snapped me out of my trance. Azmir broke our gaze and carried me out of the elevator.


Once inside he sat me on the bed and headed into the bathroom to draw a bath. He came back out to have me stand and helped me undress. He asked me to turn around and when I did he unhooked and pulled the zipper of my dress down to the small of my back. I felt his gentle hands against my spine and my nerves went completely haywire.

How does this man have such an effect on me? He pulled the dress over my head and stepped back as I turned to face him. His eyes reflexively traveled down my body and in an instance, he turned on his heels.

“Finish undressing and come into the bathroom,” he muttered while walking away.

What was that all about? I wondered to myself as I quickly doffed my bra and panties.

As I nervously walked into the bathroom I challenged myself to just tell him that I was in desperate need of him though deep down inside I knew that Azmir was not only aware of my desires, but also had his. How he was able to abstain up until this point was beyond me.

He stood from kneeling over the tub as he watched me enter the bathroom. I noticed he was still dressed which meant he wouldn’t be joining me. He took my hand to help me into the tub. I slowly descended trying to acclimate myself to the temperature of the water. Azmir grabbed the sponge and body wash and to my sensual surprise he washed me, something he typically did after a long and gratifying lovemaking session.

He didn't skip a beat as he started at my shoulders and took his time down my back, over to my belly, up my breasts and out to my arms. I barely but miraculously stifled my pending moans. He scooted himself down to the opposite side of the tub and lifted my leg out of the water so that he could wash it from hip to ankle and repeated the same tantalizing torture on my other leg. Once he was done, he squeezed gel into his hand and rubbed them together into a lather before taking my foot and washing it. His strong hands felt unearthly licentious against my foot. Azmir does foot rubs...and well!

With his thumb he kneaded into the center of my foot over and over and over again. Every time he pushed with his thumb my pelvis jumped beneath the water. The alarming sensations running through my body tripled as I looked in his beautiful face. His expression was stoic as he was trying to gain mine. Oh, no, Jacobs. I am not giving you the satisfaction of expressing my pleasure! He moved to my next foot and delivered the same delightful sinuous treatment.

After he was done, he went over to the towel rack to grab a washcloth. He foamed it with soap before spreading my bent legs in the water and reaching down to wash my private area. He moved slowly and steadily, not ignoring my pearl. My poor pearl was so attentive and responsive to his touch that it gave away my secret. Every time he swept against it through the washcloth, my pelvis jumped again. This time it couldn't be hidden. My body was coming alive, building itself in preparation for release. I closed my eyes as my mouth dropped agape. He rubbed against my sex over and over again applying mild pressure. In no time I was losing control.

All for Azmir to stop and mutter, “All done here. I'll let you get dressed and go to bed. I'm gonna hit the shower. I'm fucking exhausted.” He sauntered out of the bathroom leaving me alone to wither in heat.

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