Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“See!” Tionne sang. Liz’s expression softened when I gave her a friendly nudge to further assure her. I don’t know where the keen manipulation came from. No, I did—Azmir. He made me do and feel things I’d never cared to before him.

Liz’s eyebrows lifted, “He wasn’t even that dope of a dude to be tripping out on Divine for. But T is right. I was so fucking happy when she did that shit cause I knew he wouldn’t stay with her after that.”

Tionne head shook enthused at Liz’s thoughts. I couldn’t believe Tara cheated on Azmir!

“Ain’t she pregnant now?” Tionne asked.

Liz’s protectiveness flared as her body jolted and she declared, “That is not Divine’s baby! If it was he would keep it one hundred and take care of his business. That bitch is lying her ass off!”

They both looked to me for contribution? A reaction?


“Every dark secret has its day in the sun, right?” I squeezed out conspiratorially. I found myself in a giggling concert with the girls.

My thoughts went to what I’d just learned. Tara cheated on Azmir with an aspiring rapper? When was this? Most importantly was that the cause of Azmir’s repellant attitude toward Brian Thompson? This definitely explains his jealous tendencies. But he didn’t react that way when he learned I was at the industry party with Sebastian before he’d discovered the nature of our affairs. Could that have meant that he had developed feelings for me recently?

No—he’s never said.

With the many questions causing the cogs of my mind to churn, I’d decided to put them to the side and get through this time in New York with Azmir. The bottom line was his affairs with Tara was just that—his affairs.

I entertained more chatter with Liz and Tionne for a while though no discoveries were as enlivened as the one about Azmir and Tara. They eventually made their way around the party and then left promising to keep in touch.

Sometime later that night, I was nestled in Azmir's back there on the sofa. His hearty laugh jolted me from my sleep. Azmir never laughs. He chuckles. I didn't want to disturb his seemingly fascinating conversation. So I kept nuzzled into his chiseled back as he laid his hand against my that as my folded leg lay protruding against him, too. Much of my time listening was spent trying to decipher where I’d recognized his friend’s voice from. It sounded familiar, but not in a personal sense. Their conversation was pretty generic, they were catching up. Azmir asked his friend about his latest business ventures and people from their past.

Somewhere in between my sleep and conscious state, I heard his friend say, “Serious, I see.”

I felt Azmir's head pivot and assumed he gestured asking if his friend was referring to me. I didn't hear a confirmation.

“Seems like it. Could be over for me,” Azmir replied.

“My nigga!” his friend cheered. “Old broad?"

“Forgotten,” Azmir’s tone was resolute.

“You handle that with ol’ dude?”

“Wasn't worth my time. She wasn't about shit and had sealed her own fate before he entered in the picture.”

“He was your saving grace.” His friend gave a hearty, high pitched laugh—that familiar trill. That’s when I placed the voice! It was the voice that opened up my performance at Azmir’s birthday party! Is he and Azmir that close of acquaintances?

“Indeed.” After a beat Azmir continued, “Let me get her in the bed.”

“Oh, no doubt.”

There was a little more mumbling going on before Azmir gently tapped me. “Brimm, baby. It's time to go.”

Groggily, I rose with his help and ambled out of the club with his long arms cradling me into his side all the way to the car that was awaiting us outside. Before the driver could pull off, I was out, falling into slumber yet once again. The next thing I remembered was being lifted out of the car by Azmir, making his way into the hotel. As much as I wanted to tell him it wasn't necessary to carry me, I enjoyed being in his arms.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, letting our security detail off.

“You good, boss?”

“Yeah, man...eleven o'clock,” Azmir murmured.

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