Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

While looking myself over in the mirror my disappointment grew at the realization that Azmir had not touched me since we'd been on NYC soil. I was starved of his touch. Robbed of his fiery affection. Inwardly, I cursed myself for being so attached to this man and so soon—not that I had any frame of reference. But I didn’t like the need that I’d developed for him. This was so not like him, but I didn't have the nerve to address it and resolved to letting it blow over.

We hurried out of the suite with him barking instructions to someone on his blackberry. He didn't get off until we arrived on 5th Ave where I took note of the various high-end stores. We walked past several of them until we got to Rolex. Azmir opened the door and held it for me to go inside, which I did.

An associate came over to greet us and Azmir asked about a specific watch. I wondered to myself if he had planned to purchase an icebreaker gift for Yazmine. I stood at an adjourning case admiring watches as they spoke.

“Ms. Brimm?” Azmir called over to me and I joined him.

I immediately noticed the sales associate bearing a watch. Its beauty was breathtaking.

“This is...exquisite, Azmir. You sure have singular taste,” I mustered, pondering if that was what he was getting her.

“Can you try it on?” he asked looking at me inscrutably and I was suddenly confused. I looked over to the ever smiling sales guy and felt embarrassed so I reached out my arm for him to slide it on my wrist.

“Looks a little oversized but if you give me a moment I can size it for you,” the sales associate offered and walked off to do so after Azmir nodded giving permission.

My eyes went back to Azmir who was gazing at me intently. He eventually says, “Ms. Brimm, I thought it would be nice if we had matching timepieces. I get lots of compliments from mine and wanted to share the love.”

I gasped as my eyes involuntarily widened. “Azmir, you don’t have to do that.” This was all truly unnecessary.

He exhaled loudly through his nostrils as he flexed his jaw. “It's simply a gesture of intimacy. It's really not that big of a deal.”

I didn't mean to upset him. I just didn't get why he liked to spend his money on me. For crying out loud he'd already purchased several things for me last week alone. As much as I was conflicted in thought about this I was not trying to ruin the weekend, not this important one anyway. I'd just have to sit him down about it when we returned home.

He gave me a cold gape, one that actually melted my heart. Ohhhhhh, Azmir! Why must you be so difficult?

The sales guy called out. “Would you like this wrapped or would the lady like to don it today?”

Before Azmir could respond I yelled out, “I’d like to wear it,” with a forced smile that never left Azmir. Azmir didn’t return the smile but his expression softened. We really need to get over this impasse. He paid for it and we left for more sightseeing. No need to mention, there were no more purchases made that day.

We returned to the suite to rest and change. Still no touch or mere affection from Mr. Jacobs. I was so tense and emotionally wound up that I withdrew from him just to protect myself.

With security in tow, we headed out for the night. After a scrumptious dinner, we attended a listening party in the Meatpacking District for an up and coming artist signed to one of the bigger record labels. There was a small crowd but lots of energy. We sat cocktail style in the room where there was informal seating and not enough for every guest. I could surmise that it was by invite only because Azmir had to give his name and have it verified by a list when we arrived.

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