Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Man, I could eat this man! He was gorgeous. I giggled nervously like a child.

I didn't realize the waiter was still there until Azmir said, “I know you have a penchant for fish. This restaurant serves top notch seafood...the freshest.”

“Oh,” was all I could manage. That was considerate. I idly wondered if he'd made the reservation before or after my rude scolding of his hotel choice earlier. “Thanks, Azmir,” I crooned giving a warm smile.

He gave a slight nod. “Would you like to start with Noir or Riesling?” Azmir knowing my favorite wines never failed to warm me. Could this man look so good and be so attentive to my preferences at the same time?

“Pinot will be fine.”

“A bottle of your finest Pinot Noir and a Grand Marnier martini,” Azmir turned and requested of the waiter before he turned on his heels to fetch our dinks.

“So, when exactly do you meet with Yazmine Jacobs?” I attempted to initiate conversation.

“Sunday.” His attention was fixated on the menu.

“Oh, okay.” Why did we arrive here on a Friday? “Are you prepared?”

With a raised eyebrow he asked, “Prepared?”

“Yeah. Do you know what you want to ask her?”

With his eyebrows furrowed Azmir processed my words in deep thought. “I haven't considered what I'd asked. I just figured I'd let her speak...explain.”

I snorted, “Well, what if her explanation doesn't meet your needs? Surely, you have things that need to be addressed to help you move on.”

There was a brief pause as Azmir sat with his elbows pressed to the table, resting his chin on his knuckles bringing attention to his perfectly trimmed goatee.

“Hmmmmmm...good point, Ms. Brimm,” he murmured mostly to himself.

The waiter returned with our drinks and as he poured my wine he asked if we were ready to order. My eyes darted to Azmir who was looking at me, though his head was face down toward the menu. I hadn't explored the menu. Moments later his head shot up and he ordered bass for me and steak for himself and for appetizers, shrimp cocktail and mussels in red sauce. Azmir handed the menus back to the waiter and turned his attention back to me.

“If you had the opportunity what would you ask your father?”

Whoa! I wasn't expecting that question. “Ummmmm...I don't know. It's been so long since I've visited those thoughts childhood.”

“We have time now. Talk it out. It may inspire my questions for Yazmine,” he said bearing no emotion before taking a swig of his martini and nodded in approval of it.

“Hmmmmmm...I know a good one. I’d ask if there was ever a time when he was enjoying himself—having a particularly great experience and wished to himself that my mom, brother and/or I were there to share in that moment with him.” My eyes went back to Azmir and saw him nodding his head while taking in my question.

“Okay,” he muttered as he stroked his goatee.

He looked so delectable. Focus, Rayna. Focus! I hissed to myself.

“And what else?” he asked as the waiter brought a large plate of mussels in red sauce and shrimp cocktail in a huge martini glass decorated attractively. I watched as the waiter paced away.

I examined Azmir's face to try to figure out where he was going with this line of questioning. But his eyes were fixated on me telling me he wanted more.

“Uhhh...I'd also ask if he ever came to check up on us from afar. What were his daily prayers concerning us if they existed at all.” I shrugged.

“Mmm-hmm,” he urged me to continue.

Ready to end my time under the spotlight I shot back, “And if he were given the opportunity where would he want to be placed in my life today...and if he’d desired to be in my tomorrow.”

Azmir fed himself a mussel as he pondered my responses. “Interesting, Ms. Brimm. All very interesting,” he muttered reflectively.

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