Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“You don't need to say anything at all because I got it from her. In light of recent discoveries, Daryl Harrison, our business and personal relationship is officially terminated. In the future you do not contact me directly. You will go through commercial channels. Our partners have been notified, only those who are directly affected by our former union. Whatever projected monies you have allotted to you will be rerouted. My reign is eclipsing according to previously said plans, so this cut out should not affect your pockets much at all. I’ve made you millions. You’re good.”

I could swear D aged at least fifteen years at the sight of the video, which confirmed Yazmine’s story. See, if D had been given time to think of a way to deny his involvement this would have been far more difficult. He’s a conniving fuck, and the trait was inherited by his daughter. I’d placed the phone back in my pocket and D was still motionless. I extended my hand to him to add to the sting.

“Detective Harrison, this has been a lucrative yet misleading partnership, but how can I bitch with what I'm sitting on,” I meant it as a statement. Purely rhetorical.

“Divine, hold hold up,” he begged with a new posture and all.

I gestured with my face to say that I was listening, but D had nothing to say.

“D, I’m a busy man. I’ve got to get up outta dodge.” I turned to leave with my snipers in place.

“Divine, I need more time. I wasn't prepared for this,” I heard D mumble as I strolled to my ride.

Fuck outta here.


James Lombardi

“Goddamn!” I whispered as my digital camera powered off due to the battery dying. “Fuck me!” I yelped even louder. I had trailed Daryl Harrison to Santa Monica and for the first time I see him with this Azmir Jacobs fellow—all for my fucking camera to die on me! I was going to have to wait until I replaced the batteries to see if I got a single shot. I knew that mutherfucker was in bed with Jacobs! The problem was a picture would go a long way compared to my word alone.

I had to quickly decide if I wanted to continue to trail Harrison or follow Jacobs. I’d been following Harrison for over three weeks and today is the first time I’ve been able to see him with Jacobs. I eventually decided to follow Jacobs and see where he lived or hung out.

About an hour later, I found myself in Long Beach at a recreation center. I guess the guy wanted to go workout. So, he’s a health conscious thug? I sat in that car for five minutes before going inside to see where this mutherfucker had gone. I didn’t want to blow my trail so I needed to move.

As I entered the doors of the rather impressive facility, it appeared more of a upscale club than a recreation center. I idly wondered which of the major chains owned this place. Huge plasma screens met me at the door displaying news, health notes and games amping up the energy immediately. The walls were bright with chrome fixtures and the floors were wide and carpeted. I was eventually met with a well-poised, young kid at the front desk.

“You look lost. Can I help you, sir?”

He seemed to have taken a stab at professionalism, so I entertained him. Plus, I began to notice how large the facility was and knew I couldn’t just search around aimlessly for hours looking for Jacobs.

“Umm, yeah. I’m looking for a friend of mine. He came in minutes ago…tall, dark, wearing a gray tracksuit? Oh, and a low cut,” I asked knowing I was taking a chance but hoping for the best. I’d seen at least a dozen people enter the building since pulling up.

“, sir…don’t know who you’re talking about. That description would fit countless men in here,” he said, looking at me with blank eyes.

“Ummmm…his name is Azmir—last name Jacobs. He just checked in?” I asked desperately, sounding like a twat.

“Oh, Mr. Jacobs?” The kid’s eyes grew in recognition. Thank fuck! “I just clocked in. I’m not sure if he’s in today. I can call up to the admin offices to check.” The young guy went to dial a number on the phone behind the counter. “What time is your appointment with him?”

An appointment? Why in the fuck would I need an appointment with—? Then it dawned on me!

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