Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Shaking her head she informed me, “Actually, that's taken care of through my full-service spa treatments that I was made aware that I have a membership to, all courtesy of a Mr. A.D. Jacobs.”

I didn't speak, but shrugged.

However, she was incorrect. Rayna still paid her mortgage and all other monthly bills that generated from her house. I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to upset her and have her put a stop to what little I had been able to do. I offered several times to buy her home but she had yet to relent. I figured her still having it gave her a sense of independence from me and I wanted to respect that. But I must admit, I enjoyed taking care of her.

“My god, Azmir, it makes me want to see your annual expense report.” She shook her head and raised her index finger. “No, I don't because that would make curious to how much you earn and I don't want that answer right now, if ever.”

I laughed at her bewilderment. She shot me a look as to ask what was the joke.

“I'm meeting with my accountant this afternoon after my session with Tyler. I can have her print you out whatever you need to satisfy your curiosities.” I was kidding of course. My money was too complicated an explanation.

She rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face.

While on our way back to her car, I asked, “What's on your agenda tonight?”

“I have Bible study at six. you have something in mind?”

“Nothing that I would deem more important than that. How long is the service?”

“An hour.”

“Indeed. I'll meet you home around eight. You mind hanging out?”

“I'll load up on caffeine,” she said with a huge grin. Reaching in her purse she pulled out a napkin and wiped my face. “A bit of my lipstick is smeared on you.” She dabbed the outer lining of my lips.

“I could think of lots of places on my body where I’d love to have you smear your lipstick.”

Rayna gasped. “Don't,” she begged in an unintended seductive tone that had awakened my cock. She darted her eyes to Ray to remind me that we weren't alone. I couldn't give a damn.

I kneeled down to kiss her, surprised by the little time it took for her to reciprocate. She pulled my head down into her face and let out a low moan, careful to be heard by me only. I was so turned the fuck on that I felt like a bitch. I employed every fiber of discretion I had to not rub her tits or ass. I was hurting so bad that I allowed a guttural groan to escape causing her to stop with her eyes wide and weary. She looked over to Ray who was ever the professional, keeping his eyes fixated ahead with no hint of acknowledgement to our backseat near-copulation activities.

He pulled into the parking lot and I walked Rayna to her car with my erection in tow.

She clicked for the to doors unlock with her remote and I opened the door for her. After tossing her things in she turned to me looking as disheveled as I felt. Her eyes lowered to my bulged pants and she licked her lips so seductively. Looking back up to me she attempted to speak and I knew what about.

“Ummm...Azmir...” Her voice was throaty, wanting.

With both my hands I brought her face to mine and embraced her once again. Her moans were longer and harder. I was caught up, in fucking public again, no less.

I withdrew. “Brimm, you have to go and I do, too. At this rate I'll have your ass pinned in the air out in your job’s parking lot.”

She smiled. “See you tonight.”

“You had better.”

On my way back to Long Beach I was e-mailing Brett a list of things to send over to the hospital for Tara and the baby when I received a text from Rayna.

I didn't want to let go. Thanks for lunch, A.D...

And you think I did? I would have enjoyed having you for lunch much more if we didn't have to return to work. Stop texting while driving. I thought of Tara’s mother’s accident and didn’t want Rayna taking any risks.

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