Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“How are those Swiss accounts coming along. It’s been, what…three months? And I’m still nervous. Depending on how these do, I plan on sending more.”

Bower goes back to her flicker to bring them up. “Jacobs, the wealthy have been doing this for centuries. Your money is protected, foolproof. I'm not sure what more convincing I could possibly do.”

“Indeed.” I let out a deep breath pulling out my watch. It was getting late and I had a meeting with The Clan about transitioning my empire.

I wrapped up my meeting with Bower and continued on with my day.


We met at a warehouse in Glendale and were five deep inside and four out on guard. Our time together was always short and communication was cut up, which meant we didn't discuss every detail of a transaction in one setting. We never knew if we had flies on the wall. At the close of our meeting Petey went in.

“We gotta have 'dis shit on point before going to the connects tryna’ get in they favor.” Petey was trying to school Kid and Wop.

I decided to leave my crown to Kid and Petey's to Wop. I tried being diplomatic, sharing the love. I wasn't 100% sure of leaving them in my wake to do business but they’d always been loyal and deserved a shot. Like young pups they were all eager nods and yeses.

“Divine spoke to Santiago and Paulio a few months ago and they agreed to meet with y'all soon. They'll give us a date when they ready,” Petey continued.

I took over. “In the meantime, we gotta shipment coming in a couple of days. Wop, you hit the drop spot. Kid you split it up. You know the package is ten mill and that’s six hundred and twenty-five keys. All the leu’s get their keys except for Black. He ain't re-up. I got somebody on his ass while y'all get ya tips wet on acquisitions. Don't sleep or fucking yawn cause the streets are watching. They may not know our moves but they're damn sure waiting for somebody to slip the fuck up. Don't let it be you. Shit is realer than ever in those streets. Those kids are dumber but fucking faster.” I gave them both deep cutting eye action. They knew what time it was.

“Time is up. In a minute.” Petey raised his hand giving them dap before we exited the building.

“Tomorrow,” Petey confirmed.

“Tomorrow,” I agreed and we parted ways.

It was close to five and I had a little shopping to do before meeting Rayna back at the marina.

Chapter 8


The following night I met with Big D at the Santa Monica Pier. I had my peoples with me hidden among the crowd. I didn't trust D although I knew I was his muscle and he'd call upon me whenever safety was an issue. This predator was a snake and one should never underestimate a snake.

He seemed perplexed before I informed him of my issue. He wore a long trench coat with khaki pants and a white polo shirt. He kept scratching his temple as I spoke, which was a sign of deep thought and stress from him.

“So, I’m planning my next move with ol’ girl. Big D, I gotta be honest here; I don’t know where all of this is going, much less what it’s about. I’m kinda fucked up in the head with it,” I exclaimed playing a role, awaiting a response.

After a meditated pause he replied, “You’re gonna have to cut off all means of contact with her, Young Blood. Don’t continue talking to phish for a motive. If they had something you would be in cuffs by now. If you don’t talk, you give them shit. I’ll have my guys look into it. I still have a little pull with the FED-dy’s.”

His words were clear and cautious, but I could tell he was preoccupied with something. So I asked, “You good, Big D? What’s eating at you, man?”

He looked at me as if he’d come out of his trance and forced a smile on his face. What he couldn’t conceal was the fact that he wasn’t telling me something. His advice was fair but there was something he was leaving out.

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