Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I hopped in the Bentley. After closing the door I instructed, “Katz, Smith and Adams headquarters,” and we peeled off. En route I couldn’t shake the experience of seeing those helpless newborns laying there waiting for the clock to tick for their growth and development. Parents going through that must be overwhelmed. I’m sure with the right partner I could get through it.

Tara was playing possum to the consequences of her indiscretions. She wanted people to believe that I was the negligent parent, but I was willing to play at her speed for a little while longer. I didn't give a fuck about what people thought of me anyway. They didn’t affect my paper or my livelihood.

When I recalled Big D’s testimonial of Tara's pre-term labor I couldn't escape the dark and horrid thoughts of Rayna’s recent miscarriage. She was alone when her body dispelled our baby. Visions of her courage during those lonely hours, days had my head spinning. I would never allow her to experience that again. I swear.

I was in the reception area of Smith, Katz and Adams Sports Medicine Center, waiting on the receptionist to locate Rayna. The digital clock hanging over her head read eleven fifty-seven a.m. and my hands were speed typing on my blackberry, firing off instructions to an already busy Brett. I also had a few other business-related e-mails to address. I heard the door to the office area open and turned my attention to find it deploy several people dressed in either business attire or white coats. Most looked famished and overcome with boredom and others, indifferent.

“Mr. Jacobs, the staff meeting has concluded, as you can see they’re filing out now. Ms. Brimm should be making her way out as well. She never stays after,” the young receptionist revealed with a snicker.

Not many seconds later, I see Rayna appear from the door looking just as spiritless as her colleagues. When she recognized me she stopped in her stride.

Her chest visibly rose before she exhaled, “Azmir, is everything alright?”

I nodded but remained silent. Her hair was set in a poof on top of her head with the ponytail in the back. That was one of my favorite of hers. She donned a cranberry blouse that came just to her ass and tied at her waist with a fitted ivory skirt that stopped just beneath her knees with bone shoes matching the skirt to a "T". Her accessories were ruby red and gold. Rayna looked edible.

Now more collected after my response she asks, “How can I help you?” It was clear that she was still somewhat alarmed.

“I came to take you out to lunch, if that’s allowed.”

“I have my first patient at two.”

“Then we should hurry, shouldn't we?”

I wanted to reach down to hold her, bury my face in her neck, and inhale her intoxicating tang so badly, but kept my composure. I was frozen in time for a minute drinking her all in. Apparently my amorous desires didn't go unnoticed.

“Azmir!” Rayna hissed in a lowly tone.

I looked up to find a couple of the reception-area girls giggling at my lack of self-control.

“Let's take this out of here.” She softly took me by the arm and pulled me towards the lobby, then out the door.

“Ray can drive us to lunch and drop you back off to your car.” I held the car door open for her and she crawled in, greeting to Ray as she scooted over leaving me room.

Turning to me she asked, “What's this all about, Mr. Jacobs? It isn’t everyday that I am chauffeured to a spontaneous lunch date by an insanely sexy and irresistible guy. You had the girls at the front desk salivating. I'm sure you'll be the core of water-cooler blather for the next week or so.”

“Or until something far more significant happens there in the lobby.” I caressed her cheek. “I've missed you,” my tone relaxed, my emotions raw.

“You’re finally feeling what it’s like?” she shook her head. “You saw me just this morning. What’s come over you?” she was crisp but I had probably deserved it.

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