Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Spun from my thoughts, I looked over to Big D asking with my eyes for him to repeat himself.

“Babies. They’re miracles. This little girl came a few weeks early but by miracle, she’s with us.”

“Tough delivery?” I’d guessed this was a good time to learn the story behind the early delivery.

“Yeah,” he sighed softly. “Tara woke up bleeding in the wee hours of the morning. She walked across the house to my bedroom leaving a trail of blood behind her. She only made it as far as my door before passing out. Seeing her collapse like that nearly cut my heart out my goddamn chest, man. I got her here and the docs said not a moment too soon,” his voice cracked. “She could have lost the baby and slipped into a coma herself. I was supposed to be on duty last night.” He expelled another cough to cover the break in his voice. “She would've been alone.”

I didn't know what to say or do. I'd been on D's shit list for months and not just for my estrange relationship with his daughter, but add to that, my announcement of officially leaving the game at the close of the year. Outside of business, he’d have no dealings with me. Ironically, because I'd been so wrapped up in my affairs with work and Rayna I had been shielded from his resentment towards me. In spite of our troubled relationship, I didn't like seeing him choked up like this.

“Let's go check up on Tara.” I grabbed his shoulders giving him a manly clench. He led the way out and to Tara.

When we entered her room I saw her cousin, Danielle, holding a cup of water as Tara sipped through a straw. Danielle turned toward us and formed a scowl once her eyes landed on me. I ignored it and made my way to the side of the bed.

Tara lay there hooked several ways into a machine, appearing weakened and fatigued.

“TaHarry,” I jokingly referred to one of my former nicknames for her that I’d come up with years ago. It blended her first and last names. I wanted to lighten the somber mood.

“Azmir,” she croaked hoarsely. “You came.”

“Yeah. I told your dad that I’d forgotten my phone in my office charging.”

“I thought you were still in Africa, Miami or somewhere Peg said when I called last week. What's in Africa?” Tara sounded so weak, but underneath that docile demeanor she was accusing me of being neglectful. I could tell she was still pushing the paternity issue.

“South Africa. Work.”

“Let's leave these two alone. I'm sure they have lots to discuss,” Big D ordered to Danielle and they excused themselves leaving us in Tara’s private hospital room.

“What's the doc saying?”

“I'll be feeling back to normal in a week or so but I need lots of rest.” She shifted in her bed trying to sit up. “Azina is fine...fully developed but they need to keep an eye on her to be sure her lungs are working at 100%.”

Azina? What the fuck? Is she really taking things this far? I backed up a few inches into a chair to take a seat. Azina?

“Azmir, you're going to need to look for my nurse so that she can give you the papers to sign the birth certificate.”

“Tara, my position hasn't changed. I will not assume responsibility until it's confirmed that I am in fact her father. With that being said, don't you think it was quite presumptuous for you to give her a name so closely resembling mine?”

“I see you haven't changed.” She sighed in disappointment. “Okay. We'll just have to prove it to you, in the meantime I'm not changing my daughter's name. Your connection will obviously be delayed but our world must go on.” Even in such a feeble condition the sarcasm in her voice couldn't be missed.

“I can arrange for the test—”

“No. I don't want you to have to do shit. I'll take care of those details and contact you,” Tara cut me off.

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