Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

What? Was he serious? This has to be some type of joke!

Fuming, I rose from the tub in search of a towel. I dried off and went over to the vanity to wash my face. I was emotional and out of breath as I tried to hold back my looming tears. What was going on between us? Should I confront him with concern or go ape on him completely?

Confusion took over my mind and heart as I applied toothpaste to my toothbrush preparing to clean my teeth. I refused to cry, even if Azmir was now in the shower unable to see or hear my sobs.

I sauntered into the bedroom in search of my pajamas. Pulling the slip over my head, I let it fall down to my thighs and grabbed my phone from my clutch. Goodness! It was four fifteen in the morning. I crawled into bed weighed down from my bruised ego, throbbing clitoris and broken heart. The sheets felt so good against my now over-sensitized skin from the parching bath.

I heard the shower go off and minutes later Azmir was out of the bathroom. I kept my back to the bathroom so I couldn't see what he was doing. It really didn't matter because whatever it was, sex wasn't on his agenda—that much had been abundantly clear.

When he got into bed, he crawled over until his skin met mine. At this time repose had set in and I was fading fast. Per usual, Azmir buried his face into the back of my neck intensifying my randy state. In that moment, I could truly appreciate the phenomenon of my body and mind being at war. My mind was shutting down but my body had its needs.

“Goodnight, baby. Thanks for hanging out with me tonight,” Azmir whispered against my sensitive skin. After a sharp pull of air into his lungs he whispered, “You looked so luscious tonight...hell—all day.”

My eyes shot up in the air!



I'm inside of Rayna, plunging balls deep, relishing in her warmth moisture. She's pulling my face into hers and sucking my tongue out of my mouth while matching my thrusts from underneath me. Abruptly, she pauses and declares, “I love you so much, Azmir. This is where I want to be for the rest of my your world. Always.” I felt the buildup in my groin. I was preparing to explode, but then I heard a ringing sound in the background that annoyed the hell out of me. It was loud and alarming—I mean really loud, spoiling the moment.

“Azmir...Azmir, baby. It's the phone,” I hear Rayna calling out. Why is she thinking about the damn phone at a time like this?

“Ignore it.”

“No, it's late we have to get up.”

“No. I'm not done yet.”

I felt a jerk and it wasn’t my pending orgasm. My eyes opened to daylight breaking through the curtains of the room. My arms and legs were draped around Rayna with my dick pinned dead-smack in the middle of her ass. My head swung up and I saw Rayna rubbing her sleepy eyes.

“Your phone is ringing, Jacobs. It's almost eleven.”

I knew then that I'd been dreaming. Shit. I jumped up and went for my phone. I saw two missed calls. One was from Tara and the other from Marcus, the security. I rung Marcus back, who was asking for a time check.

“We’ll be ready to roll in forty minutes.”

“Alright. I’ll be in lobby then. I’ll call the driver to tell him the same, sir.”


Rayna scooted up on her arms in the bed asking, “We need to be ready in forty minutes?”

I took my time to answer, “Yes.”

Even in my groggy state I knew my body was calling for a Rayna relief. I had allowed my pride to lead my judgment since we’d arrived in New York and hadn’t indulged with her…in her. I shut down on her somewhat, which is something I promised myself I wouldn’t do in this relationship. I used to fuck with Tara’s head a lot using that tactic. Now, I’m laying in this comfy bed with my wood in my hand and my lady dragging herself into the bathroom, likely mad as hell at me for leaving her hanging these past few days.

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