Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)


Azmir had been away for close to two weeks. He started his business trip to South Africa and upon return had affairs in Miami, where he was calling from. The dilemma this presented was that Katz, Smith & Adams was hosting their annual fundraising ball to raise money for services for underprivileged children in the county in two days. This would have been the first year that I had brought a date. I was also excited about seeing Azmir for the first time in nearly two weeks.

“It's okay. I understand you can’t control nature.”

I really didn’t feel as indifferent as I’d let on. I was beyond pissed. I’d missed him and had begun resenting his travel. It seemed as though at the time when we were growing so close to each other his business took off to a new level, but in the opposite direction of our relationship. I’d grown so close to him over the past month or so. I hated him being away so much. Of course, I didn't have the courage to tell him. I didn’t want to make him feel as if he had to choose. I had no right.

“I'll make it up to you, I promise. Oh, that reminds me, your gown is ready. I’ll have it delivered to the apartment.”

“No. I can pick it up on my way to dance class this evening,” I declined.

“Are you sure? Why don't you let Ray drive you while I’m away, especially to the ball. I’m sure you’ll be drinking and I don’t want to worry about you getting home safely.”

“Azmir, that really isn’t necessary. I'm a big girl. I'll be just fine.”

“This is more for me. It’s for my peace of mind.” He was fighting me.

“I’ll concede to be driven to the ball, but nothing outside of that. It would be weird being chauffeured to work.”

“ isn’t for me.” Azmir could be really pushy at times. It was a sweet gesture, but I liked my freedom and privacy.

Sharon came back into the room telling me that I had a visitor.

“Okay...gotta go. Call me tonight once you get in from your matter how late.”

“You got it. Try to take it easy for the remainder of the day.”

“I'll try.” I fought back my tears.


I didn't want to let him go. “See ya.”

My day couldn't get any worse. It was so bad that I felt those light flutters in my stomach, empty sensations that had nothing to do with hunger. I swung my legs over and out of the pool and drug myself out of the room. When I had gotten to my desk I changed out of my hosiery and washed my feet as best as I could and as quick as I could from my bathroom sink there in the office. I paged Sharon asking her to send the visitor back to my office without thinking. Seconds later, I heard a tap at my door.

“Come in,” I welcomed with the most pleasant voice I could muster considering my raw temperament.

Brian Thompson peeked his head in with his brows lifted. I was surprised to see him. What is this all about?

“It’s been a long day this early in the morning?” I knew he was making an attempt at breaking the ice. I had assumed he was referring to having to wait to see me.

“I could say the same about your visit.” My eyebrows furrowed.

“Oh? How is that?” Now his eyebrows were narrowed.

“Your visit—so early in the morning. And so unannounced,” I practically sang with a faux smile.

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