Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Mr. Jacobs is on line three. Would you like for me to hand you the cordless seeing that Wendy is on the handheld?”

I paused trying to process all that was going on in the room. The mention of Azmir’s name released a few muscles and loosened tendons, I felt immediate thawing of my disposition. I’d been living with Azmir for about a month now and to say that it had been quite an adjustment isn’t saying much at all. I loved waking up to him and lying next to him at night. He was a gentlemen who let me take as long as I needed in the bathroom and allowed me privacy in his massive closet when I needed it. He kept the toilet lid up but the seat down at my preference for easy access, and only required me to cook on the weekends. What a great set up!

The only problem was Azmir was never home. His travel had picked up tremendously, so our time together was limited. He tried to make it home on weekends no matter how short they were and we filled our time together with manic lovemaking sessions and going out to shows and concerts to fulfill that dating portion of our relationship. Every moment with him was impassioned and my feelings for him increased with each interaction we shared—even some we didn’t. Any and all forms of communication was needed and welcomed as far as I was concerned. Like today.

“Uh...yeah,” I said, snapping back into reality.

Sharon left out of the room and returned seconds later handing me the phone. She looked anxious, I'm sure from me being on edge.

“Rayna Brimm speaking. How may I help you?” Although I'd been told it was Azmir, I made it a habit of answering the phone at work the same at all times.

“Hey, you,” his unintended sensuous baritone voice flowed so silkily through the receiver.

I could tell he had just awakened. I knew his morning voice. It was my favorite of them all and was often used to summons my libido first thing in the morning when he needed sex. I could never resist it. When I thought about it, much of my edge from that morning came from not having had him around. Azmir’s presence had become such a balance for me, but his absence due to his demanding work schedule had made him scarce. I’d missed him. I’d missed his comfort and company that went beyond sex. The red fairy had been visiting and I didn't have the assistance of his miracle hands to combat my symptoms.

Turning away from Wendy who was still pushing on the phone with the whirlpool people, I let out a deep, hard, long and yearning sigh.

“Aww, baby...” he sang into the phone empathically. “'re having a pissy day.” His comforting tone tugged at my tear banks, threatening my pending cry. “I wish I were there to help. You're on three, right? You're just about done,” he successfully mollified.

He guessed so accurately. Or was it a guess?

“How did you know?”

“Ms. Brimm, it’s my job to know everything about you and meet your every need. If I were there I’d give you an hour long foot rub...and then stretch your back muscles out.”

Yes! How can I forget his foot and back-rubs? They usually had me hot, bothered and ready to go by the time he was done but relaxed, nonetheless.

There was a pause.

“Azmir, you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here. How has your morning gone so far?” He changed the subject from his overt pause.

Oh, Azmir!

“The whirlpools are out again.”

“They were worked on just last week.”

“Yes. And because they’re the latest model, the company only has a handful of trained servicemen for them so we have to wait until tomorrow for someone to come out.”

“I can have Stan, our grounds head, swing over to take a look at them. It’s probably the filter. Whatever it is, he’d likely figure it out.”

“Thanks, Azmir.” I let out another sigh.

“Don't thank me just yet.” Oh, no! “Not sure if you've heard about the Nor-Easter coming from the Caribbean. It’s supposed to hit Florida, bringing strong winds and buckets of rain starting tomorrow morning. Brett just informed me this morning that my flight has been canceled. This means I won't back for the ball. I’m so sorry.”

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