Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“I loved her. But when I sat back to evaluate our situation some time last year, I realized that I cared for her in a familial sense—minus the incestuous nature.” I gave her a mirthful grin. “But I think our undoing was due to the fact that I evolved, as a man my age should. I needed substance and she wanted the facade of substance, but was too young to appreciate the true nature of it.”

“How old is she?” Rayna asked now looking at me in the face again.

“Twenty-eight,” I answered.

“But I'm twenty-seven. Why would you look for something more substantial with a younger woman?” she asked with bemusement.

I reached down and kissed her on the lips, “Because you are more. You were far more before I came along. And I can only wish that caring for you the way that I intend to will not give you the impression that I endeavor to reduce your more rather than be a part of your more. I just want you to let me take care of you, baby. Nothing more. Nothing less,” I said looking into her inquisitive eyes. “Now let's go. I have a few calls to make before we have dessert.” I closed our shower pow-wow.

“Oh, shoot! I forgot all about my pound cake! We never got around to dessert!” she announced lost in that thought.

“Yeah, I hope you didn't think I'd forgotten. It's a favorite, so I'm looking forward to it and you resting with me in our bed.” I reached over her to turn off the water.

“Azmir,” she called leaving out the eye contact.

“Yeah, baby.”

“Have you ever been with her in your...I mean, our bed?” she asked timidly.

I laughed and heartily at that as I shut the water off and proceeded out of the shower.

“What's so funny?” she demanded as she followed me out of the shower.

I grabbed a towel and held it open for her. As she turned, I wrapped it around her and buried her in my arms, “Tara has never been here and neither has any other woman. In fact, you were my only visitor. And now you're a resident.” I kissed her softly on the forehead.

“Wait. Only visitor?” Rayna asked still haunted by confusion. Admittedly, I could understand.

“I told you I bought this place last year. But I didn’t mention I'd only moved in after meeting you.” I stopped drying myself off, suspended in thought. “That's when I became inspired to begin making major changes in my life. All of the pieces had been there for months. But you were the final element.” I was surprised by my own revelation.

She gave me a shy smile. That faded suddenly and was eclipsed by doubt. Rayna was always inside her own head. I made it my mission to get in there, too. I just had to be patient.

“What's wrong?”

“It just dawned on me that we haven't discussed logistics. How will things get paid for? What am I responsible for?” Her eyes searched the floor as she chewed on her bottom lip in deep thought. Raising her gaze to me she continued, “I've never lived with a man before. What roles and tasks will we take on to maintain this place? It's pretty big. I'm sure it takes lots of time to clean.” She looked flushed.

“Hmmm... Well, I don’t have a mortgage so there’s no divvying up that expense.”

“No? You don't have a mortgage?” she whispered forcefully in stark shock as she stood frozen gripping her towel.

I narrowed my eyes, not accustomed to talking money with anyone. I must remember she has no idea of my financial portfolio. I have to get used to this and work her in slowly but surely.

“Rayna, I don’t believe I’ve ever carried a mortgage. I pay for homes in cash...unless my accountant advises otherwise.”

She appeared overwhelmed, she hadn't even dried off. I took her towel from around her and committed to drying her.

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