Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Can I help you?” I offered, jumping to my feet.

“!” she hushed me away as she walked around to the opposite side of the center table from me and away from the bags. “Come, open it!” Her voice was laced with excitement. As I go to grab it in order to open it I can deduce that it's a frame—a heavy one at that. But what kind of painting or portrait is it? Art?

I began ripping the paper as she waited anxiously. Once I was done, I walked around to the front and saw that it was a poster size portrait of me watching Rayna perform for me at my birthday party. Wow! It really captured my amazement. I’m sure all of my expressions were priceless as hell that night. I let out a laugh.

“Petey sent me the pictures electronically and I had a girl from dance class give it to her husband to enlarge it. Then I had it framed. I wanted to give it to you so that you'll remember to never underestimate me,” she gleamed proudly. I remembered that line from our first date.

I placed the portrait against the center table and took her into my arms. She smelled just how I remembered and was just as soft. I reached down and touched her lips with mine, but I didn't kiss her. I just took her all in from up close. She looked confused and wanting at the same time. That's how I wanted her.

“So, where are we going to hang it?” I asked, breaking our reverie.

“Huhn? Oh? I've been wondering where you'd choose.”

“ may be indecorous of me to hang it in my office at the rec. Perhaps at Colbalt, but I'm hardly there now a days. I want to see it that I don't underestimate you again,” I teased.

She giggled and eventually narrowed her gaze upon me, “May I offer a suggestion?”

“Please do.”

She gestured to the portrait, “Pick it up and follow me.”

I did as I was told. She led me to the master suite and over to the bed. I lay the frame against the footboard. She pointed to the wall over the headboard and murmured, “I was hoping we can put it there,’ shyly.

“Oh, yeah?” I pondered.

“This way we can look at it every night…” her voice trailed off.

Did she just say we?

She must have seen the bemusement on my face because she then took my hand, pulled me over to the walk-in closet and showed me that she had rearranged it to include her clothes. She began opening a few drawers to display her personal items.

She then straightened and whispered, “If you'll have me...?”

I walked over to her, lifted her at the waist and she automatically straddled me. I tasted her lips and saw her eyes were heavy, drunken with deep desire and her mouth was ajar and inviting. I placed my hand underneath her shirt—my shirt—and felt her lace cheekies. favorite.

I carried her over to one of the center dresser cabinetries and rested her on there. Her ragged breathing told me she wanted me just as much as I want her. I pulled her collar back more to nibble her neck. She let out a moan that was hard to ignore. She reclined her body on the countertop inviting me to her breasts. I had no problem obliging her. As I deliciously find my way in her cleavage with my tongue, I unhooked her belt and tossed it aside. I then unbuttoned her shirt with ease. She couldn't control her moans. I am totally aroused and in a trance. I guess it started with her vulnerability and willingness to give living together a try. But whatever it was it had me in a zone and I desperately wanted her.

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