Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Please don't,” Sharon absentmindedly blurted. I was taken aback by her candor. I gave her a look that asked for an explanation. She hesitated before relenting.

“Ms. Brimm, if I can be briefly audacious, I like it. I like to know that you're being courted, and quite frankly, doted on. It makes you glow. Not that you’re ever unpleasant to the staff but you’re certainly more pleasant to be around. Most importantly, you’re such a private woman and the only friend I could assume you had is no longer with us. I thought we’d lost you.” She gave me a deep fortifying gaze to prepare for the next thing she was about to say. “That is why I gave Mr. Jacobs information on your whereabouts a few weeks ago. I took a risk in hopes of you not jumping off the cliff, so to speak.” She hit me with another pause. “Now, I've heard the “tea” on Mr. Jacobs—” I interrupted her.

“The other therapists talk about us?” I was devastated at the thought of it.

“No, ma’am. I’m lunch buddies with a few of Mr. Jacobs’ staff. And while they drool over him, they’ve made me aware that he is the utmost professional. There are no rumors or knowledge of him being inappropriate with his subordinates or dating them. So for me to see him esteem you with these thoughtful gestures makes him official in my book. Plus, you’re young, bright and would make a lovely life partner.” Overly enthused, she had a loss for words. “Well, it's just nice is all I'm saying. You deserve nice.”

It was my turn to be at a loss for words. I’d never seen her so introspective before. Her words reminded me of Michelle’s sentiments. I actually think I needed that.

“Thank you, Sharon. And your thoughts are duly noted—all of them,” I said sincerely, yet professionally.

“I will send around the lunch menu momentarily,” she said, reverting back to her normal self. I walked off with her words still ringing in my head.

About an hour later, while I was in my office catching up on my notes, there was a knock at my door. I looked up and it was Brian Thompson. He was really quite handsome. But I braced myself.

“Yes?” I greeted with a mild smile that didn’t reach my eyes.

“Is there another place you store patients’ files, Ms. Brimm?”

I thought for a moment. “Ummm...yeah. At home.” Well, my old home or my other home...oh, whatever! I fought with myself.

“Okay. Well, we'll need access to that computer as well.”

“Okay,” I agreed with my eyebrows narrowed, somehow finding the thought of him or his team being in my home strange.

He cracked a boyish smile, “I'll contact you at a later date to make the arrangements.”


I was once again feeling awkward because I had nothing more to say to him. I hadn't quite decided if I liked him or not. I took back to my notes and eventually looked up feeling eyes burning into my head.

He's still here?

“ guys will be here for a couple more hours and have decided to work through lunch. I'm claustrophobic and need air. Is there any place in particular that you would recommend...or would you like to join me?” he sounded defeated with is offer, as he should. I'm not interested.

I mustered a smile, “We have been back logged for a while now, which is why I've ordered in for my staff. My lunch is already here. But next door...or a few doors over at the Rec center, they have superb culinary. Other than that, Sharon up front can share the menus for the locals.”

“Oh, okay. Maybe another time. Thanks for the recommendations.” I nodded and then he left. Good! Ugh!

Little did he know, I had a manicure and pedicure appointment in twenty-five minutes and he was disturbing me from finishing up my work before I left.

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