Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Another page up on his computer was a spreadsheet that displayed quarterly earnings for one of his businesses. My inquisition traveled to the desk calendar and I saw he did engage it as I observed how he had things scribbled on it. There were events, meetings and other cryptic entries.

But what specifically caught my attention were the “RayB's” recorded on various days throughout the month. I’m sure it was the variation of the letters in my names that captured my attention. I went back in previous months and saw them noted on several dates. The earliest I saw it marked was on his birthday.


Shit! Does he make record of our sexual encounters? As I sat there reflecting on the dates I figured that was the only thing it could have been.

What the hell? Should I feel special or weirded out?

Are there other names? None of the other recordings resembled names.

Hmmmmmmmmm... I then figured I should leave the office before I found myself doing more snooping. I made my way back to the master suite. the plush, supersized, well firm and inviting bed of Azmir. The beddings were freshly laundered because I couldn't smell him. I didn't like that, but boy, was the comfort of this bed supreme! I twisted and turned playfully between the sheets. I felt like a kid in a hotel room for the first time. My childlike behavior was interrupted by a trill from my phone alerting me of an e-mail. I knew right away it was Azmir.

All tucked in? he asked.

Oh, yeah! And very well, thank you! I decided quickly to not giving away my secret.

That's good. How was your day?

It was mediocre until recently! Rocking! Yours? I couldn’t help it, I was exclamation point happy.

We're making progress so I won't complain. Have you any plans for the weekend?

Yup! I plan on staying in allllllll weekend long! I was enjoying my private joke at his expense.

Well, hopefully I can get a moment of your time. I’ve been hoping to extinguish you of your hermit ways. I see I have more work to do. I don't mind. Hit you up later...they're waiting on me to start a luncheon meeting.


The two-minute conversation thing was killing me. After taking a few moments to huff about being separated from this man—my man? I remembered where I was, which was snuggled in his sheets, in his bed, in his bedroom, of his home. And that would have to do. I had two more days of missing him. After a few more thoughts I dosed off.

The next day, around mid-morning I got a page from Sharon up front saying I had a delivery.

“I'll be up in a few minutes. I'm finishing up on Mr. Bronson.”

“No problem, Ms. Brimm,” Sharon agreed.

A few minutes later, I was up at the front desk and the huge bouquet of fruit caught my eyes immediately. I saw that Sharon was speaking with people so I remained quiet as I retrieved the small envelope attached to the deliciously decorated edible arrangement and opened it.

I hope these are just as juicy and sweet as you are. Missing you terribly.

Clear your weekend itinerary. Now!

Forever on the Chase,

A.D. Jacobs

Did he really? All the way from Europe! Well, Rayna, he DOES have several assistants that he could have easily emailed the request to. But it was such a sweet gesture.

“Well, well, well! The awkward moment when I see we're interrupting a private moment.”

I looked up to see where that outburst had come from. My irises landed on a handsome, light skinned and well groomed man in an elegant three-piece suit. But who is he and where does he get the nerve to intrude on my privacy? He stood next to two other men that I assumed were with him.

My eyes darted to Sharon. But before she could speak he said, “Thompson…Brian Thompson of Thompson's Justice Law firm. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ms. Brimm. Judging by the arrangement, it must have been something said in the card that caused the glow. Care to share?”

Thompson wore a cunning smirk, one that didn’t register as trustworthy. I didn't know if he was being charming or condescending and trying to embarrass me. Either way, I wasn't interested.

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