Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Wow. That's really fucked up, Azmir,” she murmured, looking out into the distance.

“Spin, you've always been good peoples—with or without sex. I don't want that to change, but right now I have my hands into something. And besides, I was really under the impression that you and Dalvin were back tight again. I don't want to play that in between role. Go and work that out with him or close that chapter so that you can move on with someone who deserves you,” I advised her genuinely. I really did like Spin, but our time had expired.

She stood there shell-shocked staring into midair. I could swear I saw her fighting back tears. I didn't understand where all of this emotion was coming from. Spin and I were never an item and have always been honest about the fact that we didn't want to be. Hell, even if I were single without Tara or Rayna, I seriously doubt if I'd go for Spin. She's too much of a public figure. She's at every party, award show, and fundraising event. She's dated heavily in the industry as well. I'm a low-key type of man and don't want to ever bargain that.

During our moment of silence at the memorial of our affair, her assistant runs over to her, “Lady Spin, we have to go! You're on soon and we have to mic you!”

“Okay,” she said to the awkward looking fellow wearing oversized yellow framed glasses.

She gave me a glance seeming to want to say more. I nodded in concession and she walked off.

On my way back to Rayna, I decided to stop at the bar and refresh her drink. I hoped her pow-wow with ol’ girl wasn't too bad.

When I returned to our cocktail table, I noticed Rayna wasn't there. I looked up and saw Rick.

“That Ms. Brimm is hot, bro! She's over there on the dance floor making us all swoon. Are you serious about her, Azmeer?” Rick asked in all sincerity.

“Indeed,” I chortled. “Let me go swoon, too,” I said as I strode toward the music.

I walked up on Rayna who was nearly center stage dancing to Latin music. Her moves were smooth and acute. There were nearly twenty people following the lead of an instructor, but she was getting special attention from him. The short guy was animated and loud. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Rayna who stayed focus on her feet looking over to him occasionally to take cues. Most of the women following on the dance floor were bare foot. But even they couldn't hold a candle to Ms. Brimm in five-inch stilettos. It didn't even seem as if she was trying very hard.

Raptly, I watched them go from one song to another. At that point I was so intrigued I grabbed a seat to get comfortable. I noticed Britni staring and could've sworn she even pointed to me while talking to someone else. Then Rayna looked over at me and gave me a warm smile and wink. I thought the gesture was nice. I stayed and watched for a while. I was glad to see she was enjoying herself independent of me. It was clear that the instructor was enjoying her, too. I wasn't moving too far just in case I had to check his chin.

A few people came over to speak, including Rick. He introduced me to Brad, the actor, who has apparently signed on to star in the film Rick is asking me to help fund. He was taking toadying to a new level. Throughout all the chatting I kept Brimm in my peripheral. Eventually, she sashayed over to me slightly of breath, but exuding excitement. I was happy to see her roused and light hearted. This mourning period had been rough on her. I grabbed her by the waist, drawing her into my hip, kissed her on the head and introduced her to Brad.

“It's a pleasure to meet you!” she said spiritedly.

“I see you like to move!” Brad said while emulating a two-step that was corny as hell.

“I do! I was coming to see if Mr. Jacobs here will join me. I'd like to see his moves,” she said flirtatiously. I was flattered.

“ I don't dance. Besides you were looking so good out there, I can assure you the last thing you need is me stepping on your toes at every turn,” I replied.

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