Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Yeah. I’m just in awe of this estate. I guess the shoes were a good idea,” she teased about the things I’d bought her earlier. I had hope she wasn’t feeling intimidated. This was nice but these were the most pretentious people this side of the Mississippi.

“Impressive, yeah but too grand for my taste.” She gave my comment a silly laugh.

“What's that all about?” I asked.

“I think I'm officially tipsy.”

“How is that? You're not even done with your glass.” I looked at the glass that was three quarters empty.

“I guess that was all it took,” she said in a more serious manner.

“When was the last time you've eaten?”

“Try around eight this morning,” she said sheepishly.

“Ms. Brimm, that's very irresponsible of you,” I admonished. I didn't want her getting sick.

“Well, I had an intruder this afternoon. One who was after my goodies. So, my bad for forgetting to ask him to pause while I ate.”

“Let me go grab you something to eat. Stay put.” I ignored her cute jab, but left her with a soft kiss on her forehead before walking off.

I went to the various food tables and grabbed her a couple of pieces of finger foods. Anything to absorb the alcohol.

“Hey...Azmeer,” I heard from a distance over the music. I knew who it was immediately. I always hated the way that Rick pronounced my name, but tolerated it. I turned around and he’s approaching me with his arms wide open. You have to appreciate the visual of a man well over six feet embracing one who’s barely over 5 feet.

“Rick. My dude! How are you?” I greeted.

“Azmeer, it's great to see you out. Actually, I'm happy as fuck to see you. I thought you'd stand me up.”

“No. This time I chose to oblige. I even brought a lady friend.” One that I need to get back to with some food.

“A lady friend? This I've got to see, my friend,” Rick shouted.

“She's over here.”

We walk over to Rayna who's soaking up the atmosphere. Rick talked a mile a minute en route.

“ she is. And you left out how fucking gorgeous she is, aye!” Rick teased as he nudges me in the ribs with his elbow.

“Ms. Brimm, this is a longtime associate of mine, Rick Adelstien. Rick, this is a very special acquaintance of mine, Ms. Rayna Brimm.”

Rick, being the cock-sucking suck up that he is, reaches for Rayna's hand and kisses it before saying, “Now, you, I had to meet. Azmeer here never comes out to play and you must be his inspiration. An extreme pleasure to meet you, Ms. Brimm. Is that Brim as in hat?”

“Actually two M's—” Rayna replied with a graceful smile.

But before she could complete her sentence Rick blurts out, “Are you being taken care of here?”

A waiter so happened to be walking past us and he orders, “Hey, you! You make sure this special couple gets V.I.P. treatment, do you understand? I want you to anticipate their every need, understand?” Rick spoke condescendingly.

The waiter leaves us glasses of champagne and promises to return with food.

“Rick, that was very gracious of you. You shouldn't have,” I say though I really wanted to say, Don't belittle the staff to impress me. You're doing yourself a disservice.

“Nothing is too much for a friend like you, Azmeer! Now, I'll have to go. I see a guy who owes me money. It was great meeting you, Ms. Brimm. Anything you need, you let me know...” he said to Rayna then looked to me before giving me the all too familiar slap on the arm before walking away.

Rayna laughed heartily. I was annoyed to say the least. Kiss ups are disingenuous people, I detest them.

“And what is your relationship with him?” Rayna asked in amusement.

“Money. He’s been asking for years for me to invest in his indie films. I haven't been interested until recently. I'm still on the fence.”

“Well, he drives a hard bargain. Be ready to be sold,” she said still laughing.

“Rayna, I thought you should know that I'll be out of town next week,” I inform her while twirling my champagne flute.

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