Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Thompson was handsome. I’d started admitting that to myself back at our last staff meeting that he attended to formally introduce his firm. He was fairly tall...maybe 6 feet...with flawless ivory skin, a shade lighter than mine. He maintained a low Caesar cut like Azmir. He also had a nicely manicured goatee. I couldn't tell if he was fit but through his tailored suits I saw no evidence of a bulging belly or a plump booty. I hated seeing men with big booties. It wasn't my thing.

And while Thompson wasn't exactly my type either, I couldn't deny his good-looking features. Unlike Azmir, I could tell he was very much aware of them as well. He exuded arrogance. I could also tell that he tried to keep a handle on it in my presence because it was clear that it didn't appeal to me. I was glad that he quickly got the memo. I wasn’t quite sure if he was hitting on me or trying to endear himself to managerial staff for professional reasons. He hadn’t made it clear as of yet. Even seeing his approach that morning in my office confirmed his timid nature around me. It was a far cry from our first encounter.

“I had contracts to pick up from Sharon. She didn’t tell you?”

“No. But then again why would she?” Don't you have assistants that could have retrieved them instead?

He gave a nervous laugh.

Sorry, Thompson, this is just not my morning.

“Well, that explains my visit...and I just thought to drop in to say hello to you.”

“That is quite nice of you. Is your firm done compiling the practice's files?” I added trying not to soften my curtness.

“Not quite. We still have the Beverly Hills and Ocean County offices to get to. Smith, Katz and Adams Sports Medicine Center has been in business for a very long time. There is lots of ground to cover.”

I had a hunch that Brian was attempting to prolong his visit.

“Well, if the staff here in the LBC could be of more assistance just give us a call.”

“There's something I wanted to ask you.”

“Oh?” What now?

It's not that Thompson annoyed me. It was just that I wasn't interested in seeing him on the fly without reason and in case he was interested I wasn’t game for any play. I didn't know how to go about telling him. The clear cut version would've been that I was living with a man. The only problem with that was Azmir wasn't exactly my boyfriend. Hell, we didn't even have a monogamy agreement, but it was expected. I hated being rude to him but I wasn't exactly available.

“I'll be at the ball on Thursday. Will I see you there?” Thompson was no smiles but all intense eyes and jaw flexing, which I took as a sign of nervousness.

How cute. But that question also brought back my suspended blues of having just learned that Azmir wouldn't be able to make it.

“That's the plan. Yes.”

“Will you be escorted by a significant other?”

Was this his way of asking if I was dating? I mean he had to know I wasn't married, right? Is this your game, Thompson? I played along.

“No. Will you bring along yours?”

“None to speak of.”

I nodded my head and added a simultaneous smile. I didn't know where to go from there, and quite frankly, I had no interest in going any further.

There was a knock at my now ajar door. It was Sharon.

“Ms. Brimm, Stan from the rec said he was sent over by Mr. Jacobs to take a look at our pools.”

My mouth fell open and I looked for the time on my watch. I hadn't been off the phone with Azmir ten minutes and already his maintenance guy was here to see if he could fix our pools.

“Oh, wow! I didn't expect him over this early,” I said pleasantly surprised by Azmir's presence—in his absence. And so apt considering Thompson was there.

“Mr. Jacobs said you guys would need it for business today and asked that I come right away. It's really no problem at all. I work on pools part time,” Stan said after peeking his head in the door behind Sharon.

“Okay. Sharon can show you to them.” I felt the first cinch of hope I'd had in days.

They left Thompson and me alone again.

A grin flashed upon his face when he asked, “Can I be forward?”

Feeling far more relaxed thanks to Azmir's gesture of kindness, I consented. “By all means.”

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