Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Wow! Such an exciting time for you two. Congratulations! I'm sure you two will be the best grandparents.”

“Yes! And we’re hoping for more in the not so distant future,” Mrs. Adams crowed when her eyes excitedly hiked to a young woman standing in the cypher. The woman was plump with a long silk taupe gown that hugged her voluptuous figure and complimented her pale skin. Her cinnamon hair was fixed in long Shirley temple curls that draped across her shoulders. She wasn't drop-dead gorgeous by any means, but still wasn’t the worst on the eyes. Overall, she looked very much un-alluring with her large round and droopy eyes.

“Oh?” was all I could let escape.

“This is Alexandria Wilkerson. She has just agreed to Sebastian’s hand in marriage after dating for nearly two years.”

I had to have blinked my eyes twice, unable to veil my surprise. Sebastian had been with someone for two years while scratching my back for dates...and his money? I caught Mr. Adams' eyes imploring me to greet his soon to be daughter-in-law.

Oh! My manners.

“Congratulations, Alexandria!” There. That wasn't too contrived. “You're marrying into a wonderfully supportive family.” That was more sincere. The Adams’ were good people.

Alexandria didn't speak much. She was all nods and goofy smiles. What the? What tickled me was Mrs. Adams’ need to mention the engagement. She knew Sebastian and I had gone out on a couple of dates and dropped not so subtle hints that she wanted her son married right away. Little did she know he was the asshole of the century. Thinking about the possibility of marrying him brought the bile from my belly to my throat. I grabbed my chest trying to calm myself when I felt a gentle, yet unfamiliar touch on my elbow.

“Are you okay, Rayna?” I turned to find Brian Thompson. He looked distinguished in his black tux and bow tie. His eyes were squinted with concern.

“Yes. I guess the drink doesn't agree with me,” I offered up feeling like it made sense after it left my lips.

“Oh, here’s our Sebastian here!” Mrs. Adams cried.

Sebastian approached us with his usual wobbly stalk. It was such a turn off. He pushed his glasses up as he did every six and a half seconds. I was still holding my chest when he approached us. Gawking at me, he was admiring what he saw, that much I could gather. Ewwww!

Mr. Adams gave another admonishing gape my way, I'd assumed for me to congratulate his son.

Oh, for crying out loud!

“I hear congratulations are in order. The best to you and your pending nuptials, Sebastian.”

Sebastian joined sides with Alexandria, oddly drawing her into him, much to his mother’s delight. Mrs. Adams was beaming from ear to ear. Sebastian gave an arrogant nod that was followed by an awkward fall of silence.

“Let’s go and freshen up that drink, why don’t we?” Thompson saved the day with his keen observation of a failed peace gathering happening between the Adams’ and me.

“Enjoy the evening,” I said before turning and walking off.

“You look magnificent. I didn't recognize you at first,” Thompson esteemed as we made our way to the bar.

“So are you trying to say I clean up well, Thompson?” I feigned offended.

“Oh, not at all. It’s just a new side of your beauty and style that I’m witnessing here,” he said conspicuously appraising my ensemble.

“Tsk-tsk, Thompson. Conflict of interest ring a bell?” I wave my index finger gesturing no!

“You’re not gay. Neither are you married, therefore I'm allowed to appreciate what I see.”

I chuckled. “Thanks for the compliment, Thompson,” I say wryly.

The emcee of the evening asked us to locate our assigned seats as the program would begin in fifteen minutes. That announcement halted our pace to the bar.

“Can I get you something while you grab your seat?” Thompson offered.

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