Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“You prick ass bastard,” I softly snapped back at him.

We engaged in a stare down that I was not backing down from. He no longer had any power...he had his money.

“You didn't pay me back that ten grand. I'm sure of it.”

“Ten grand? Are you talking vigorish poker again, sweetheart?” Azmir’s commanding voice chimed as he took me in by the waist pulling me into his hip. I broke eye contact with Sebastian to look up at him and noticed his twinkled eyes doting on me.

“Something like that. We were discussing a check that I recently sent to Sebastian to repay an old debt.”

Azmir's eyebrows furrowed as he peered down at me and then darted his eyes over to Sebastian, then back at me once more. “You repaid him ten grand?”

“No, it was more like big deal.” It was my turn to spew arrogance. Azmir role playing scheme worked. Sebastian’s eyes were pouncing back and forth between Azmir and me looking for a crack in our story.

“That's a lot of money. Do you know how many things I can do with fifteen grand? We must talk about this in private,” Azmir feigned anger.

“Sure.” I pretended to straighten Azmir's bowtie. “But right now I want you to get me out of here,” I purred.

“I'll go call the car,” Azmir murmured before walking off.

I was right on his heels after saying, “Goodnight, Sebastian,” smiling ever so sweetly.

I turned on his muddled expression, enjoying every moment of his bemusement.

No sooner than I had gotten to the threshold of the venue's vestibule, Thompson appeared. He halted almost in my path. His piercing eyes were glued to me with something intense behind them. If I'd ever questioned his attraction to me it ended in that moment. He confirmed it via his deep gape.

“Rayna, I want a word before you leave.”

What? Now?

I opened my mouth to speak but was quieted when I heard, “Ms. Brimm, say goodnight,” Azmir, a few feet away, commanded authoritatively, very much calling on his CEO mien. It startled me and made very evident the awkward moment I was in.

Apologetically, I muttered to Thompson, “I have to go. Goodnight.” I walked over to take Azmir's proffered hand and we headed out of the banquet hall.

Outside, Ray was waiting with the car door opened and Azmir stood across from him to allow me to get in first. Ray donned a conspirator’s smile that told me he was a part of Azmir’s surprise visit. How else did he get here? I returned a huge smile of gratitude.

When the door closed and we were sitting at a proximity too distant for what my body ached for, I couldn't help but stare at Azmir to try and drop subtle hints with my eyes of what I wanted to do. I needed him desperately, to reconnect with him and requite for him illuminating my world. We pulled off and he didn't return the gaze so I scooted closer to him causing his eyes to dart over to me. With sharp currents shooting from my breasts to my toes I drank him in. Azmir was beyond good looking. His features were extraordinary even in his pensive state.

“What's up, Brimm?” he murmured.

I leaned into him and kissed him softly on his warm lips. When I pulled back I noticed his eyes getting heavier and curious as to my motives. That's when I rolled up my gown slowly, being sure not to disturb the integrity of the fabric and watched as his eyes zeroed in on it. Once it was hiked to a reasonable level, I straddled him, drawing his face into mine and sweeping his mouth with my tongue. Though surprised, I could tell he enjoyed it as he gripped my arms holding me tightly.

“Tell Ray to ride around until you say.”

His eyebrows furrowed and he asked, “Pardon me?”

“Tell him. I can’t wait ‘til we get to the marina. I need you now.” I felt his log of an erection beneath me as I begged for him.

With a scowl, he reached up to push a button. “Ray, take the scenic route until I instruct otherwise.”

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