Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)

I giggle and snuggle closer into his body heat and he wraps his arms around me.


We're still for a few minutes and then I let my hand roam downwards because his closeness has me buzzing again and I need to feel him. He moans as my hand hits his crotch and he's already hard so I rub him gently over his boxers, feeling him swell even more under my hand.


Suddenly I'm on my back and he's over me. "You want to play, beautiful?"


"Yes," I whisper.


"Do you feel a little sore or are you ok?"


I squeeze my legs together, wincing slightly. Okay, so I am sore. "Just a little," I admit.


"Well, there are other things…" he trails off.


"Yes," I whisper again.


Then he's kissing down my belly, licking my navel with the tip of his tongue. He drags my panties down my legs and tosses them aside and then dips his head down to kiss the inside of my thigh. I shiver in arousal as he buries his head between my legs and I automatically open to him. I feel him inhaling my scent and he growls, "I love you smelling like me."


His soft tongue circles my already swollen clit and my head presses harder into the pillow as I whimper.


Oh, yes.


Oh, God!


He begins licking and sucking gently, lapping at my swollen tissue with a steady, rhythmic suction until I feel my body quickening and I cry out as the orgasm pulses through me.


Jake's tongue thrusts into my sex as I convulse and I feel like I'm shattering into a million delicious pieces, my head thrashing back and forth on the pillow as I chant his name again and again.


He crawls back up the bed, kisses the side of my neck and then collapses next to me, pulling me into him and my hand goes under the bottom of his t-shirt to explore the ridges and dips of his stomach muscles.


And now it's my turn to explore.


I lean up and just like he removed my sweater last night, I scoot his shirt up his waist and then he reaches his arms up and sits up slightly as I pull it over his head and toss it on the floor.


He's looking at me with that beautiful, lazy look and his hair is messy from sleep and his beautiful, hard muscled chest is on display and for a minute all I can do is stare at him and drink in his perfection.


Then I lean over and put my mouth on his chest, kissing, tasting and licking my way down until I get to one hard nipple. I lick it and suck the tiny bud into my mouth like he did to mine last night. He groans and I smile against his chest, loving that I am bringing him pleasure.


My hand wanders back down his stomach and I lift my head to look at him.


"Teach me what you like," I whisper.


"Just put your hand on me. I just want you to touch me."


He leans up slightly and pulls his boxers down and I watch as his stomach muscles clench beautifully and his big, hard cock springs free. Then he kicks the boxers off his feet to land on the floor next to the bed.


I lean up on one elbow and scoot down a little bit so that I can reach him and when I wrap my hand around his rock hard length, it jumps slightly in my hand. It feels like velvet over steel and I love the feel of it in my hand.


There is a small, wet drop at the tip of his shaft and so I take my thumb and rub it in slow circles to which he groans.


"Move your hand up and down, baby," he chokes out. "Like this," and then he puts his hand over mine and shows me. And the sight of his hand over mine on his big, hard erection sends little sparks between my legs even though I just had an orgasm less than five minutes ago.


I begin moving my hand, slowly at first and then faster, learning what he likes and responding to his breathing and his moans.


As my strokes become faster, I feel his cock jump and swell in my hand. He chokes out, "Evie!" as long streams of white cum spurt over my hand.


"Oh Godddd!" he moans as he comes down, my hand slowing.


I keep watching his cock as it slackens in my hand and then I look up at him, not able to contain the huge, proud grin. And it's ridiculous because it's not as if I've just performed brain surgery but there is something utterly thrilling about giving Jake an orgasm and I can't help feeling completely satisfied with myself.


I keep grinning my proud grin at him and he bursts out laughing and then reaches under my arms and hauls me up so that I'm lying on top of him and he's looking in my eyes. "You're a natural," he says grinning back at me.


I lay my head on his shoulder and nuzzle into his neck and we lay like this for long minutes until Jake says, "I'm gonna run a bath for you while I make breakfast. Then you're gonna spend the day with me."


"Hmmm… Bossy," I mutter, but I smile against his neck.


I stand up and start walking to the bathroom and when I glance behind me, shooting Jake a flirty look, he is looking at my naked backside with a look of appreciation on his face as he's pulling his t-shirt and boxers back on. It's surprising to me that big, beautiful, perfect Jake Madsen seems to be a bit modest.









I soak in Jake’s jacuzzi tub until my skin is pruney and my body is flushed all over, then I dry off with one of his thick, luxurious towels and moisturize my skin with the lotion in my overnight bag that Jake brought into the bathroom for me.


I pull on my clothes, a pair of black, skinny jeans and a long sleeved, white, v-necked shirt with a gray sweater with ruffles on the lapels over that. I packed a pair of black, canvas sneakers but I stay barefoot for now.


I do light makeup and pull my hair back into a low, messy bun then follow the delicious smells of coffee and bacon into the kitchen.


Jake is standing at the stove but looks back over his shoulder as he hears me enter the room, giving me a big smile. “Omelette?” he asks, using a pair of tongs to remove bacon from a frying pan on the stove. He places the strips on a plate with a paper towel on it and sets it on the counter next to a plate of cut up cantaloupe.


I nod no, “Just coffee and fruit is plenty for me.”


Mia Sheridan's books