Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)


The next couple of days go by quickly in a flurry of work, laundry and other mundane but necessary activities.


Jake offers to drive me, or have his company driver chauffeur me to and from work but I tell him no. I don't mind taking the bus. I can read while I'm riding and it's convenient for me. He doesn't seem particularly pleased about this but I need to maintain my independence. I already feel like things are moving so fast between us and it scares me to become so wrapped up in someone so quickly.


I talk to Jake on Monday between my two jobs but he's at work and he sounds distracted so I make it quick and tell him I'll call him on Tuesday night while he's in San Diego. He has a smile in his voice as he says he'll be waiting for my call.


On Monday night I work for Tina at a small art gallery downtown and Landon is there too so, between filling trays in the kitchen, I fill him in on my day and night with Jake. He hangs on my every word and fans himself dramatically as I throw in a few tidbits about our night together.


"Down boy, that's all you're getting. A girl's got to keep a few secrets," I say teasingly when Landon asks for more details.


"No fair, I've been waiting a very long time for this," Landon grumps back.


I smack him lightly on the shoulder, "You act like I was the last virgin known to mankind."


"Not the last known to mankind, but possibly the last one over 21. Have you looked around our society lately, Fancy Face? I was just dying to know who exactly you were saving yourself for." He winks and grins at me.


"I wasn't saving myself. You could have had me anytime." I say back bumping my hip to his playfully.


"That's it. I officially renounce my gay-ness. I'm yours, Fancy Face. Take me now!"


"Ha ha. Don't think it works that way, Lan, but I appreciate the sentiment." I grin at him and get back to work.


But later I think about what Landon said about saving myself. Had I been? Because deep down, I realize that maybe me denying it wasn't entirely true. I had made a promise a long time ago and although that person was no longer a part of my life, nor was he ever going to be, somewhere inside I always knew that if I was going to fall in love again, it was going to be because something in that man reminded me of Leo.




On Tuesday evening, I make a couple batches of chocolate chip cookies, dropping one off to Mrs. Jenner and one off to Maurice. I chat for a few minutes with both of them and then make my way to the bus stop, off to see Mr. Cooper. He's sitting on his porch as usual, waiting for me when I walk up, smiling and greeting me with a big hug.


"Evelyn!" he says, gesturing for me to take my usual seat on the porch swing as he sits down in a cushioned chair. It's a crisp evening and so he offers me an afghan to lay over my legs and I keep my coat on. He has a blanket over his legs as well.


"How are you?" I ask, smiling, placing the cookies down on the small table next to the porch swing and taking the foil off the plate.


He smiles warmly "Couldn't be better. Got a pretty girl to visit with and a plate of homemade cookies."


I smile back, "Take one," I gesture towards the plate and he grabs a cookie. I follow suit.


After a minute he says, "And what's new with you Miss Evelyn?"


I finish chewing before I respond, feeling a little shy, "I'm dating someone," I say quietly.


He looks surprised for a second, probably because I've never mentioned a boyfriend in all the years I've known him. But then he smiles widely. "And who is the lucky gentleman?"


"His name is Jake. He runs a company that does something with X-ray technology," I wave my hand indicating I'm not real clear on what exactly that is, "He's… nice, and smart and handsome and…" I blush, looking down and feeling awkward suddenly.


But Mr. Cooper is still smiling, watching me closely. "Why, Evelyn, I do believe you're in love."


"Oh! No, it hasn't been long at all. I practically just met him."


"Knew the first time I laid eyes on my Mary that she was the one for me. Didn't doubt it for even one second for the next forty three years."


I look at him sadly. I know that the loss of his late wife is still a tender subject for him, even though it's been many years since he lost her.


"Does he know what he has in you, Evelyn?"


I'm not sure what he means exactly but I answer, "He seems to really like me, too. He makes me feel… special." I blush again. It's kinda weird to talk about my love life with someone whom I consider a grandfather figure.


"Good. You are special. I knew it the first time I saw you out in that yard, playing so patiently with those two little demons." He laughs. "Then later, sitting alone on the porch, looking so sad, but always holding your head high. I knew you were hurting, but that you were brave."


I look down, remembering those days. "I was never brave, Mr. Cooper. I was scared all the time as a kid, and then as a teenager, too."


"I know that, Evelyn. But it didn't keep you from showing kindness to everyone I ever saw you with, including me. It didn't keep you from sitting with an old man on his porch just to chat for a minute or two because you saw that I could use a smiling face. It didn't keep you from bringing out a glass of water when you saw me mowing my lawn in the summertime. Even now, you think I don't know that it's hard for you to come near that house," he gestures to my old foster home, "or how long it takes you to bring me a plate of cookies?"


I look up at him, "I love bringing you cookies, Mr. Cooper. I get to visit with you."


"See what I mean?" he smiles.


I look down again, studying my nails, embarrassed. He continues, "You know why I call you Evelyn, instead of Evie like everyone else does?" he asks.


Mia Sheridan's books