Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)

"Oh my God," I pant out and at this, Jake moans.


I arch my head all the way back into the pillow and for just a portion of a second, everything seems to freeze right before I tip over the edge and waves and waves of pleasure wash through me. I moan and cry out Jake's name and when I open my eyes, several seconds later, he is crawling back over me, only now he is naked. How'd I miss that?


He leans over me and opens the nightstand drawer and pulls out a condom and I watch spellbound as he rips it open with his teeth, leans back on his heels and rolls it over his, wow that's beautiful too, thick, hard shaft.


"Can I touch you, Jake? Will you show me how?" I whisper.


"Next time, baby. Hanging on by a thread here. If you touch me, we'll both be sorry."


Then his weight is on me again and he guides the tip of his cock to my entrance and I automatically open my legs wider.


He kisses me again, his tongue thrusting deep, hinting at what is to follow. I shiver with anticipation.


"Wrap your legs around me," he growls. "Gonna do this fast to get the painful part over with, okay?"


"Okay," I whisper, and just like that, he drives inside me in one smooth thrust, as I cry out and the pain sears through me.


He's still for a minute and then he starts to move slowly and the pain subsides until I just feel deliciously full and stretched. He keeps moving very slowly in and out of me until my body relaxes around him.


"Baby, I gotta move faster. You ok?" He sounds strained.


"Yes," I whisper, and he starts thrusting in and out of me harder and faster and watching the look of bliss on his face is the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen in my life, because I'm giving that to him.


His mouth comes to mine again and he starts thrusting his tongue into my mouth in time with the thrusting of his cock and I like that.


Okay, no, I freaking love that.


I feel another fire building inside me and as his breathing becomes ragged, I tip over the edge again, crying out. He drives deep, once, twice and then again as he buries his face in the side of my neck and groans against me, circling his hips slowly as we both come down.


He lays still, buried inside me for a minute and I hold him close to me, stroking my fingernails up and down his arms. He starts nuzzling my neck and I feel his smile on my skin before his head comes up and his beautiful eyes are gazing into mine.


"You okay?" he whispers gently.


No, no I was not. I was more than okay. I was fabulous.


"Yeah," I whisper back and I sound breathy.


He pulls out of me and I mewl in protest at the loss and that makes Jake grin. "My Evie likes me inside of her," he says.


Yes, yes I do.


"Let me get rid of this condom and get something to clean you up with. Stay there.”


He sits up on the side of the bed, facing me and pulls on his boxers and t-shirt. Then he walks to the bathroom and I hear some water running before he comes back out with a wet washcloth. He sits back down on the side of the bed and says, "Open your legs and bend your knees," and I'm slightly embarrassed but I trust him and so I do as he says.


He cleans me with the warm cloth and I notice there's blood and that embarrasses me more but he doesn't make a big deal of it.


Then he's padding back to the bathroom and I hear water again as I quickly find my panties on the floor and pull them on. Jake walks back in the room with a glass of water which he offers me. I take long drinks and smile at him as I hand it back.


He puts the glass on the nightstand and he climbs into bed next to me and pulls my back against his hard chest as he nuzzles his face into my hair.


I turn in his arms so that I'm facing him and look into his handsome face, running my hand down the side of his cheek.


"You're mine now, Evie. Say it," he whispers.


My hand stills and I look him in the eyes. "I'm yours, Jake," I whisper back.


I think I see a flash of something that looks like pain in his eyes, but then he smiles that beautiful smile of his and kisses me gently.


"I've never experienced anything as beautiful as that," he says and I feel my heart fill up because I feel the same way. I press myself closer to his warm body and learn something else that's beautiful about Jake Madsen. He's a cuddler.









Evie is 13, Leo is 14




I'm sitting on the sofa in the front room of my foster home, when there's a knock on the door. My foster mom, Jodi, calls from the back family room, "Evie! Get the door!" and I stand up to answer it.


I note briefly that I'm wearing a really tight pair of jean shorts and a tank top with no bra and so I open the door just a crack and lean my head out. Standing there is Willow and Leo. I swing the door wide open, saying, "Hey! What are you guys doing here?"


"Is it okay if we come in?" Leo says, and I notice his eyes sweep my body quickly and he gets a tight look on his face. I realize that I'm not really dressed to receive guests but I didn't exactly expect any. I look at him questioningly and he moves his eyes to Willow in a quick gesture, telling me all that I need to know.


"Of course," I say, waving them in.


"Who is it?" Jodi yells.


"A couple friends!" I yell back. "They won't stay long." There's no answer from the back room, meaning Jodi has gone back to whatever television drivel she's involved in right now. She won't bother us.


Leo sits down on the smaller love seat and I guide Willow over to the couch where I was sitting. I sit down right next to her and move her blond hair out of her face. Her eyes are blood shot and she smells like pot.


"Willow," I prompt when she just continues to stare straight ahead, "What's going on, baby girl?"


Mia Sheridan's books