Free Falling (Book Two: Secrets)

He was just reaching for his controller when his phone sounded off in his pocket. “Hello?”

While he talked to whoever the caller was, I went to grab a slice of pizza.

“Alright, cool. Call me when your plane lands. Love you,” he concluded. When he put his phone away, I stared at him questioningly.

“Where’s Dee headed?” That had to be who he was talking to.

Karl cleared his throat and tried to pretend like he was engrossed in the game – too bad it was only in the startup menu. “Yeah. She’s just going away for the weekend.”

Why did he have that look on his face? “She going on a trip with her parents or something?”

Karl scratched the top of his head. “Uh…no. She’s going alone.”

My stomach dropped. “She’s going to see Sam, isn’t she?” I asked, walking toward him swiftly. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew where she was?”

Karl sighed heavily. “I don’t know where she is. Dee wouldn’t say; that’s how Sam wanted it. She knew that if I knew, you’d know.”

I folded my arms over my chest. “Why didn’t you tell me Dee was going, though?”

“What good would it have done? AJ….dude….it’s over and done with, man. That’s what I’ve been trying to help you understand! You’re chasing Sam’s shadow and she doesn’t want to be chased! She’s off wherever she is, probably living her life, and you should be doing the same.”

Fresh anger washed over me at the thought of Sam going to such lengths to keep me in the dark about where she chose to settle. It felt like a slap in the face – like I was so bad that she had to run from me. Who the hell does she think she is? If she wanted me to let her go, I was gonna let her go. I looked at Karl, realizing that he was exactly right. Sam chose to go her own way and I had to stop thinking that she’d come back. The idea of there being an ‘us’ was an illusion. We were two individuals who were together for a time, but that time had ended. Granted our season was over sooner than I would’ve ever imagined, but that was no excuse for living in the past. And as soon as I figured out what that meant and how to get her out of my system, I’d be my own man again. Life was getting ready to take some very unexpected turns….

Read on to find the synopsis for Free Falling Book Three: Exposed, as well as a sneak peek at the cover!

They’re back. They’re grown. It’s on…

“Free Falling Book Three: Exposed” Synopsis

Five years have passed since the tragedy that changed Samantha Kelley’s life forever, causing her to make the difficult decision to walk away from the man she once believed was her soul mate. Looking back, there were a few regrets, but she still believes in her heart that fleeing to New York was the right move….or does she? For the most part, she’s settled and content, but there’s a question still brewing in the back of her mind - Will her current relationship ever measure up to the passion that she experienced with AJ?

When Sam walked away, AJ found himself spiraling uncontrollably through every emotion possible – grief, anger, and depression, to name a few. It took almost two years for him to fully get over the idea of her leaving him behind without so much as an address where she could be reached. But he didn’t get through the darkest time of his life without a little help from someone who seemed to just appear out of nowhere – a woman who now has dibs on his heart.

It was simple for the pair to pretend like old feelings had faded into the abyss while they were thousands of miles apart, but what will happen when Sam and AJ meet up again for the first time in years? Will resentment forever keep ‘what could’ve been’ just at arm’s length? Will it be love at first sight like they experienced in the past? Or will they fight against the insatiable pull that they have always had toward one another, choosing to keep their current relationships intact instead?

*****Coming summer 2014*****

Raven St Pierre's books