Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Remaining close, Lisa turns her head towards him. Their lips close, she feels his breath fan across her skin. Parting her lips, her nose glides gently against his and her hands move up his chest. The music comes to a stop and the crowd cheers. Alex and Lisa have stopped dancing, but don’t move. Standing still, her heart beats hard against her chest. She wants him to kiss her. She wants to feel him hold her close, to feel his hands move across her body.

“Kiss her!” Their moment is broken, and Alex smiles. He pulls away as chants of “KISS HER! KISS HER!” erupt all around them. Lisa blushes and looks down, pulling out of Alex’s arms. Feeling his fingers tilt her chin up, her eyes catch his, he leans in, and brushes his lips softly across hers. She gasps when he kisses her, moving her hands to his waist. The kiss is soft and gentle, but the intensity behind it speaks volumes. They both want more. Then, as the crowd cheers them, Alex pulls away.

Lisa opens her eyes to see a crease in Alex’s brow. “Are you okay?” she asks, concerned.

He nods, then looks at her and smiles. “Absolutely.” He winks at her. The moment has passed again. Lisa wants to ask him why he seems to be in pain every time they kiss, but feels it’s a conversation left for another time.

They walk back to their table and pick up her to-go bag, then head back towards the front to pay their tab. He pulls out forty dollars, then tells the cashier to leave a tip for their waitress and the dancers.

Chapter 6

Lisa hasn’t talked to Jill since the red carpet event, which was very successful. The movie was promoted, the actors were in the spotlight, and Lisa made out with her boss. Shaking her head, she pulls out her phone and calls Jill. As the phone rings, she wonders what ever became of Tad.

“Hey, Lisa!” Jill seldom answers “hello” unless she’s in a meeting or somewhere a little more formal.

“Hey, girl. What’re you doing?” Taking a seat on her couch, Lisa crosses her ankles on her coffee table.

“Not too much, about to go get my nails done. Want to join me?”

“Sorry, I can’t today.” Lisa holds out her fingers, examining her nail beds. “I’ll catch you next time for that. So, dish. What happened with Tad?”

Jill sighs happily into the phone. “He’s great, actually. We’re meeting later for dinner. OH! He’s got a single friend! You totally should join us!”

Lisa could hear the wheels turning in Jill’s head. “No, that won’t be necessary.” She pauses for a moment and the corners of her lips pull in a smile. “Jill, I met someone.” Lisa prepares herself by holding the phone away from her ear.

“LISA! Why didn’t you tell me sooner! Who is he? What does he do? Is he hot? Where does he live? Has he kissed you yet?”

Pulling the phone back once the squealing dies down some, Lisa replies, “I haven’t been able to tell you yet because, well, I’ve been busy with work and, umm...him.” She smiles and looks down at her lap.

“Busy with him? Oh, really?! What are you two doing?” Jill laughs into the phone.

Lisa continues, “Not that! Jill, please!” She grins into the phone, since that’s exactly what she wants to do with him. She wants to see him without his shirt on, feel her hands on his chest, feel his body moving against hers.

Clearing her throat, she continues, “His name is Alex. I’m not really sure what he does for work yet and, yes, he’s freaking hot! He lives in my building. We met in the mailroom the other day and, yes, he’s kissed me.” Lisa thinks of the kisses they’ve shared and her brows pull together with concern. Each time they kiss, he tends to be in pain. Curious as to what that’s all about, she makes a mental note to talk with him about it later.

“Whoa, you realize that’s, like, the beginning of a porno?” She giggles into the phone.

“Oh, my god, you really went there?” Lisa rolls her eyes and tries not to give into the laughter threatening to bubble over.

“Yeah, I did! Lisa, I’m so happy for you! Do you want to bring him along? I’d like to meet him, you know, as your best friend and all.”

“Sure, I’ll find out and let you know. So, tell me, what’s been going on with Tad? He seems nice.” The last time Lisa saw Tad was at the club where she ended up outside, having no recollection on how she ended up out there. Volunteering to take Jill home was a nice gesture, but not one Lisa had been that happy with. If she hadn’t been so shaken up over the events of that evening, she would have insisted on driving her home. She has serious doubts as to her best friend’s status.

Jill goes into how Tad has taken her on a few dates, visiting the MOSI museum and planning a trip to the beach. Lisa interrupts her. “Jill?”

“Umm, yeah?”

“I’m sorry for leaving you at the club that night. I shouldn’t have.”

She can hear Jill’s hesitation before she speaks. “You’ve nothing to be sorry about, Lisa. I’m a big girl and I’m fine, but thank-you.”

Not feeling satisfied with her apology, Lisa wants to make it up to her. Looking down at her watch, she says, “What time’s your manicure again?”

Julie Morgan's books