Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

“Like a financial advisor?”

“No, more like investment opportunities. If I see something or someone that has a promising future, someone that’s struggling, someone that I think could be better, or that my Boss sees someone or something that could benefit from investing, I’m sent to see it through.”

“Oh, okay. In a way, that’s almost like what I do. Maybe I can call on you sometime when someone is in need of investing.”

“You bet, Lisa.” He winks at her.

Looking out the window, Lisa watches as they travel past the many buildings. Coming into the downtown area of Soho, Alex pulls to a stop in front of the restaurant. The place is light gray brick with a dark blue awning, the name Sweet Tang written in large, cursive letters across the front. The double doors are propped open and the hostess sits behind a stand, writing down names. Friends and colleagues of Lisa’s have told her stories of their dining and dancing experiences here.

Alex and Lisa approach, and the hostess looks up. Her black hair is pulled to the back of her head, her tight curls resembling a poof. Her dark brown eyes are lined with black liner that extends outward, giving the appearance of Egyptian eye, and her lips are painted red. She smiles at them, welcoming them to the restaurant. “How many?”

“We’re actually meeting friends here,” Lisa says.

“Oh, then feel free to step inside and look around. There’s a couple over here,” the hostess points, “who said they were expecting two more. Maybe they’re who you’re looking for.” She smiles at Lisa, then Alex.

“Thank-you,” Lisa says as she steps further into the restaurant.

The walls are painted a lighter shade of gray; white tablecloths and black wrought iron chairs are set throughout; pictures, featuring different foods and desserts from around the world, are hanging along the walls. Seeing Jill and the back of a man she assumes is Tad, Lisa waves.

Jill smiles as she leaves her seat, while Tad turns around in his chair. She walks over to Lisa and hugs her, then looks up at Alex. “Hi, I’m Jill,” she says, extending her hand.

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but good things,” Alex says. Tad stands up from his chair and smiles at Lisa.

“Hi, Tad, nice to see you again,” Lisa says. His hair is styled in a messy look and he’s wearing a black suit with a maroon button down shirt. He looks quite appealing tonight.

“Tad, I’m Alex. Nice to meet you.” The men shake hands.

Walking around the table, Alex pulls out the chair next to Jill for Lisa and she takes a seat. He sits across from Jill, placing his napkin in his lap. Jill looks between Lisa and Alex with a smile.

Leaning in she whispers, “He’s hot, Lisa.” Jill’s eyes trail over Alex.

Lisa hears Tad clear his throat, and she looks to him and smiles. She turns to whisper to Jill, “I know, but I think your date wants you to look at him like that.” Jill turns to look at Tad. She places her hand in his and squeezes. He smiles back at her and winks.

Jill fills Lisa and Alex in on their dating adventures. “He’s a CFO at a financial institution downtown. He’s taken me to the beach a few times, and it turns out we go to the same gym.” Jill smiles at Tad as he runs his thumb across her hand. “He said he’s seen me there before, that he was excited the night he saw us at Dance 52.”

Lisa’s mind goes back to that night and the memory of the red eyes in the corner of the club. Alex’s arm reaches around the back of her chair, his fingers rubbing gently on her shoulder. Leaning in, he whispers to her, “Are you okay?”

She turns to look at him and nods a few times. “Yes, I’m okay.” She smiles. “Thank-you for asking.”

“So, Lisa,” Tad speaks up, “Jill tells me you became a partner at your PR firm? Congratulations.”

Lisa turns to him. “Thank-you, Tad. Yes, just recently, as a matter of fact.” She smiles at Jill.

“May I take your drink order?” The group turns towards the waiter, who’s standing at their table and smiling. His uniform is a black pressed shirt and pants, white tie, and tag with “Damian” on it.

Lisa looks to Alex and raises her brows. “Get whatever you like.” He smiles.

Lisa turns back to the waiter. “Vodka tonic, please, and a glass of water.” The waiter writes it down, then looks to Alex.

“I’ll have a coke.” The waiter nods.

“You’re not drinking?” Lisa whispers to him.

He looks at her and smiles, shaking his head. “Not when I’m driving.” He winks at her, taking her hand in his. Jill and Tad both order Jack and coke.

“Have you decided what you’ll be having tonight?” The waiter flips his page over and looks around the table. One by one, everyone orders.

Julie Morgan's books