Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Their waitress, wearing a dark blue t-shirt, white pants and a black apron, approaches. Her hair is black as night and her skin is so tan it’s like she lives in the sun. Her eyes, a light green, give the woman a beautiful appearance. “Welcome to Uncle Nick’s. My name’s Myrina. What can I start you two with?”

Lisa looks at her menu again, then back to Myrina. “Ice water, and I’ll try your gyro, please.” Myrina notes it down, then looks over at Alex. As if seeing him for the first time, Myrina’s eyes widen and she smiles at Alex, making Lisa shake her head in amusement.

“I’ll try the moussaka and ice water for me, as well. Oh, extra tzatziki sauce for my friend here, too, please.” Alex winks at Lisa and she smiles, flattered he remembered.

“You bet. Anything else?” She looks between Alex and Lisa, then back to Alex for a moment longer.

Lisa clears her throat and Alex looks at her, then back at Myrina. “No, thank-you, we’re good.” Myrina nods her head and turns, walking back towards the kitchen.

“I can’t take you anywhere, I swear!” Lisa laughs softly as Alex reaches across the table for her hand. His thumb traces it lightly.

“I have no idea what you mean,” he says innocently, winking at her.

She smiles and rolls her eyes. “Sure you don’t.”

The music playing through the restaurant turns off, and a loud drum starts beating. The people inside the restaurant begin to clap, and Lisa turns to watch the dancers perform the Kalamatiano. She hears Alex chuckle as the dancers, including the hostess, begin coming from the back of the restaurant. The drum is joined by a bouzouki, tambourine, and a bass guitar. The dancers form a circle and begin a traditional Greek dance, moving from left to right, then changing direction. Occasionally, someone would yell “OPAH!” and the crowd cheers.

While they’re watching the show, their food’s delivered. The smell fills Lisa’s senses, and her eyes close. She leans towards her food, inhaling the scent. “Wow, this smells so good!”

Alex nods. “Would you like to try a bite?” He holds up a forkful of moussaka and offers it to her. Smiling, she takes his fork, tasting his food. The flavor explodes in her mouth as she chews.

“That is great!” Swallowing, she stabs some of her lamb, tzatziki sauce, and lettuce, then offers it to Alex. “Here, try mine.”

Chewing, he nods a few times. “Wow, that’s good.” He swallows. “Want to trade?” He chuckles.

“Nope, I’m good!”

Watching the dancers, Lisa finishes off about half of her gyro, and Alex is almost done with his moussaka. Occasionally, the waitress stops by to refill their water, then brings a to-go box for Lisa. She plans to enjoy this food again tonight. As they wipe their hands on their napkins, one of the male dancers approaches their table and offers his hand to Lisa. He’s young, probably seventeen or so, with dark brown hair, tan skin, and light brown eyes. She can imagine the effect he has on the girls his age. He’s a good-looking boy. Her brows shoot up and she smiles. “Really? Oh, I don’t know how!”

“I teach, you dance.” His accent is strong, and he waves her out towards the floor. Looking over at Alex, she sees him smile and motion for her to go. “Go for it. I’ll be right here.”

“No, you don’t. Dance with me!” A young girl, maybe sixteen, approaches and pulls Alex to his feet. Lisa laughs at the stunned look on his face. Standing, he joins the young girl and they walk out to the dance floor.

The young man walks Lisa through a few of the basic dance moves, then they begin. She laughs as they kick a few times, then he spins her around. Looking over at Alex, she sees that he’s a natural. He’s spinning around with the young girl and his hands move up into the air, clapping above his head. He even yells “OPAH!” Lisa shakes her head, laughing, as she turns back to her partner. He moves her across the floor and she tries her best to follow.

“Don’t think; just dance, just feel,” he tells her.

She tries to let go but, never having danced this style before, she feels a little stiff. Her partner yells out “OPAH!” The men let go of their females and turn to the ladies next to them. Lisa suddenly finds herself in Alex’s arms. Laughing, she shakes her head. “I had no idea you knew how to do this!”

He chuckles. “It’s all in the hips.” He twirls her once, then brings her back to him. Their bodies mold against each other as his arms hold her close. Looking down into her eyes, his body moves against hers. Lisa moves naturally with him.

“OPAH!” Lisa looks over as her former partner cheers her on.

She laughs and looks back up at Alex. His smile reaching his eyes, he leans in to whisper in her ear, “You’re doing great.” He kisses her cheek softly.

Julie Morgan's books