Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

At one o’clock, Lisa walks outside. Alex is sitting in his SUV, a black Lexus LS 570. Tinted windows reflect the sun's image, as the passenger window rolls down. Alex lowers his head and his blue eyes look at Lisa over the rim of his sunglasses. “Well, good afternoon, beautiful.” He grins, then steps out in his light blue polo shirt and khaki shorts. He walks over to the passenger door, opening it for her.

“Nice ride.” She smiles. Stepping up next to her, Alex leans in and kisses her cheek. Breathing in his cologne, her eyes close and her arms wrap around his waist. “And it’s nice to see you.” Pulling back to look up at him, she tilts her head slightly. “Thank-you for the fruit basket.”

He grins down at her. “You’re welcome.” Helping her step into the SUV, he shuts the door, then walks back to his side. “You ready for some amazing Greek food?”

“As long as I can have a gyro filled with tzatziki sauce, I’m game!”

He chuckles, putting the SUV in gear. “I’ll ask them for extra, just in case.”

Looking over at him, she lays her hand on top of his. “Alex?”

“Hmm?” He looks over at her. His blue eyes sparkle, making her melt inside.

“How did you know I love oranges?”

He grins and looks back at the road. “A magician never tells his tricks, m’lady.”

“Well, I did save something for you.” Turning away from him, she leans down into her purse and grabs a napkin. Opening it, she pulls out an orange peel and places it into her mouth, then turns to him with a serious look. Clearing her throat, he turns to look at her and she smiles. Having nothing but orange peel for teeth, Lisa crosses her eyes playfully. Alex bursts out laughing.

Grabbing the napkin, Lisa pulls the peel out of her mouth and laughs. “Again, thank-you.”

“Oh no, thank-you for that!” Alex laughs again, reaching over and taking her hand. “Anytime you want to play orange teeth with me, be my guest.” They both laugh.

“Life’s too short to take yourself too seriously.” Lisa tucks the napkin away and Alex nods in agreement.

The buildings in Greek Town are in close proximity to each other, and above them are streamers of Greek and American flags as far as the eye can see, flapping in the breeze. The brown-and-red brick buildings lining the streets are all covered with different colored awnings…some bright red, others the blue of their country’s flag.

Taking her hand, Alex leads Lisa into a restaurant called Uncle Nick’s. Pulling the door open, the cool air blows gently across her face and the smells of the restaurant fill her nose, making her mouth water. Inhaling deeply, she smiles, looking up at Alex. “It smells amazing in here!”

“Yes, it does. The hummus is outstanding, as is the tzatziki sauce.” Alex places his hand on Lisa’s lower back as they step inside, the door closing behind them. The quaint restaurant is painted in a light tan color, decorated with a blue border, and accented with Greek trinkets on shelving units and a few pictures on the walls.

The hostess approaches them with a friendly smile. Her dark hair is pulled into a messy bun with tendrils poking out. Her eyes are a dark chocolate brown and her skin is a rich olive tone. She’s fairly tall and slender. Lisa smiles at her, thinking that this Greek woman is stunning. “Table for two?”

“Yes, please,” Alex replies. Leading them through the restaurant, the hostess seats them at a table near the back.

Looking around, Lisa notices that the middle of the floor is empty. “May I ask why the center of the room has no tables or chairs?”

The hostess smiles down at her. “Is this your first time dining with us?”

Lisa smiles and nods. “Yes, it is.”

“Then you’re in for a treat! In about twenty minutes, Greek dancers, including yours truly, will dance the Kalamatiano.” The hostess gives them a partial bow.

Lisa smiles. “Oh, well, I can’t wait to see it, then.” She looks at Alex. “Did you know?”

He shakes his head. “No, but I had my suspicions.” He grins, then looks back up at the hostess.

She sets down the menus. “I suggest the moussaka, the gyros, and the hummus. Enjoy your meal and the show.” She smiles, then leaves the table.

Looking through her menu, Lisa occasionally glances up and watches Alex study his menu. Sometimes, the corner of his lips lift, and his brows occasionally arch and then relax. He looks up and their eyes meet. She grins and looks back down at her menu. When she looks up again, his eyes are still on her. Her cheeks pink slightly and she lowers her menu. “What is it?” she asks, smiling.

“Nothing. Only wondering the same thing.” He grins at her, setting down his menu.

She shakes her head and her grin spreads to her eyes. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

“I’m glad I met you, that’s all.” He winks at her across the table. Shyly looking at him, her smile softens. Alex swallows and clears his throat.

Julie Morgan's books