Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Lisa blushes and her brows raise. She smiles, lowering her gaze. “Thank-you.” She wants to kiss him again. She wants to close the distance, but doesn’t want to be the reason for another chest pain, if she caused it. She smiles and turns towards the railing to look out over the water. “Anytime you want to do that again,” she looks up to him with a shy smile, “I’ll be happy to oblige.” He chuckles, leaning against the railing.

Stepping off the ferry and back onto Manhattan Island, Lisa hails down a cab to take them back to Grand Central Station. Holding onto each other’s hand, she can’t help but smile at having met Alex. He’s nice, affectionate, patient, kind, and seems to enjoy spending time with her, even if they’re doing nothing. Laid back is what Lisa enjoys, and laid back is exactly what Alex is…all wrapped up in a bow of sexy.

Occasionally, she looks over at him and smiles. He looks down at her and winks. They continue this teasing of cat and mouse. “Have you been down to Times Square yet?”

“No, not yet.” The sun begins to descend as the cab pulls up to the train station. “Are you offering another tour?” He glances at her, smiling.

“Maybe.” She smiles back. “Would you like to visit Times Square?” She hopes he’ll say yes.

“Hmm, you’ll need to let me think it over and get back to you. I don’t know if I have free time in my super busy life yet.” Lisa gasps playfully, and Alex chuckles. She enjoys his sense of humor and the playfulness about him. “I would absolutely love to go. Name the day and time, and I promise I’ll be there.”

Fighting the urge to clap while jumping up and down in excitement, Lisa smiles wide. “Are you busy tomorrow, say, around lunch?”

Chapter 5

The next morning, Lisa went into the office to find a basket on her desk. Its light tan wicker texture was decorated with a red-and-white checkered pattern, similar to a picnic blanket. Wrapped in cellophane, the basket is topped with a light blue bow. Inside are oranges and grapefruits. A note, causally placed next to the bow, is addressed to “Ms. Lisa Adams”. She pulls it off, opens the note, and smiles:

Thank-you for the adventure to Ms. Liberty. With your permission, I would like to escort you on an adventure this afternoon. Lisa grins, recalling the date and kiss with Alex. I’ve already spoken with your secretary. You’re free. See you around 1 today. Yours, Alex.

Slowly, she sits down, looking at the note. She turns it over and back a few times as Mariah walks in. Looking up, Mariah smiles and lets out a sigh. “Isn’t he so romantic?” Mariah’s hands move to the basket and she lifts it up, examining the goods inside. “Hmm…oranges and grapefruits?”

Lisa looks at the basket. “I love oranges and grapefruit, but I don’t recall ever telling him that.”

“Maybe he’s just that observant,” Maria suggests.


Standing, Lisa takes the basket from Mariah and sets it down. Opening her drawer, she pulls out her scissors and cuts the top open. The fragrance of the fruit fills her office and Lisa inhales deeply, closing her eyes. “I love the smell of oranges.” Reaching in, she pulls one out and squeezes it. Looking at Mariah, she nods to the basket. “Help yourself.”

“Thank-you!” Mariah reaches in for a grapefruit. Palming it, she looks up at Lisa with a grin. “So this guy must be serious to send you some fruit.”

“What?” Lisa looks up at her as she sits back down. Her thumbs press into the flesh of the orange and she begins to peel it. “You think? I figured guys would send chocolate or something.” She looks up at Mariah and shrugs. “Then again, my track record for relationships speaks for itself. I suck at being a girlfriend.”

“You’ll figure it out. You’ll know when he’s Mr. Right, rather than Mr. Right Now. Is he coming inside to pick you up?”

Lisa looks up with a skeptical look. “How’d you know he was coming here? Oh, right, you rearranged my schedule. Sneaky, sneaky Mariah.” She smiles at her assistant.

“I want to see what this guy looks like! He sounded sexy on the phone. I just want to put a face to the voice is all.” She presses on her grapefruit as she shifts in her step.

Lisa looks up at Mariah and raises her brows. “You’re like a kid waiting for Mom and Dad to leave so you can take the last damn cookie!” Lisa laughs and shakes her head. “Sure, I’ll ask him if he’ll come up…you know, to see you.”

Mariah grins. “Yay! I can’t wait to see who’s made your heart go crazy!”

“What makes you think my heart is ‘going crazy’?” Lisa asks.

“The look on your face while you were reading the note. It’s obvious you really like him.”

“Well, maybe I do. Now go on before I write you up for insubordination!” Lisa winks at Mariah who turns on her heel, heading back to her desk.

Julie Morgan's books