Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Realizing she’s staring, Lisa quickly looks away. When he turns towards his mailbox, she looks over at him and her eyes move down his body. She tries to make herself look occupied. Fumbling with the mail in her hands, she looks over long enough to catch his gaze again. Her breath catches and she stands there staring. He smiles at her and waves.

As if something slapped the back of her head, she snaps out of it. Looking away, she feels the blood rush to her face. She closes her mailbox door so hard that it bounces against the wall a few times before it finally closes. Locking it, she shoves the mail and keys into her purse and turns toward the stairs. Keeping her eyes downcast, she begins to walk away and glances over to the man in the room. He looks up at her and their eyes meet. She smiles at him coyly, then lowers her gaze. She takes the first step on the stairs and trips. Cursing herself for being such a klutz, she feels every ounce of blood in her body make a race for her face.

“I don’t know about you, but I hate it when the floor reaches up and snaps at my foot.”

His voice is dark with a hint of sex appeal. He’s alluring, but she finds him friendly. She can't help but feel a piece of herself melt. Lisa grips the railing to balance herself as his voice floods through her body. Looking back over her shoulder, she nods her head a few times. “I totally meant to do that,” she retorts.

“Then I give you ten points for the safe landing.” He smiles as their eyes meet again. Her knees turn weak and she grips the railing tighter. “I’m Alex Carter. I just moved in last week.” He extends his hand.

She slips her hand into his. His hands are large and he has long fingers, his nails are clean and manicured, and she notices that he doesn't wear a wedding band. His shake is firm, but he doesn’t grip her hand too hard. Thoughts of his hands on her body cross her mind as she smiles up at him. Looking into his eyes, she finds herself unable to speak.

Blinking a few times, she finally pulls herself back. “I’m Lisa. I live here…obviously. I just got my mail.” She continues to shake his hand, staring into his eyes.

Catching herself, she stops and reluctantly pulls her hand away. Shifting her weight, she glances down, her eyes looking at his shoes. Her eyes gradually move up his long legs. His waist is solid and she imagines the six-pack abs underneath his shirt. Blinking, she moves her eyes up to his broad chest. She imagines him on a beach without a shirt, while speckles of sand latch onto his bare chest after he has rolled around in the sand with her. Her gaze finally lands on his eyes. Realizing she's just openly checked him out, she watches him raise a single brow. He chuckles and his smile grows. Lisa’s face glows a bright shade of pink.

“Right,” he smiles up at her. He glances up the stairs, then back to her. He grins. “Shall we?”

“Oh, right! Of course.”

Wanting to mentally kick herself for gawking at him openly like that, she turns and walks up the steps, allowing her ass to sway just a little more than normal. Hearing him clear his throat, she smiles. “Where did you move from, Alex? Have you been in Manhattan long?” Glancing back at him, his eyes look up to hers. They’re the kind that you can look into and get lost; the kind you can relate to that are truly windows to the soul.

“I’ve been in Manhattan a while, but moved to this building just recently. I like the area so far.”

Walking her up to the second floor, Alex leans against the pewter-painted walls and watches her. Modern art paintings bought by the building’s owner adds life to the hallway. He looks over her face, her body, allowing her to be embedded permanently into his memory. She turns and catches Alex watching her. Feeling a faint blush touch her cheeks, she smiles as she unlocks her door. Looking back at him, she feels shyness overcome her. "I plan on doing some running around today. Since you're new to the area, I'll be happy to show you around."

She turns and looks up at him. She sees something in his eyes. Kindness? Longing? She finds him irresistible and completely seductive. He looks down at the floor. He shrugs softly, then looks back up to Lisa. "I'd like that a lot. I don't want to impose, though."

He smiles and as his lips pull in at the corners, they look delicious. His voice sounds slightly familiar, but she can't seem to place it. It has a soft and soothing tone; deep, but not rough; seductive, but not sinister.

"You wouldn’t be imposing. I invited you." She smiles and gives him a slight nod. "I would enjoy your company." Lisa's eyes focus on Alex's, as she feels her heart beat a little faster. "Give me a moment. Let me put down my mail.” She pushes her door open, and looks back at Alex with a smile. “Don’t go anywhere."

"I won't, I promise." He winks at Lisa and leans against the wall just outside her door.

Julie Morgan's books