Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Lisa moves in rhythm with the man behind her, feeling his body moving against her own. His hands move up around her stomach and cups her breasts. Gasping, her lips part and her head tilts back. Closing her eyes, she feels a warm veil slip around her neck, spiraling down around her back and to her thighs. A warmth heats between her legs as the softness of the veil becomes fingers teasing at her sensitive flesh. She moans softly as her hands move up through her hair.

“Lisa…” she hears a male’s voice ring softly in her ears. His voice is like sunshine after a severe storm. Opening her eyes, she’s pulled from her enlightened desire. The instant she opens her eyes, the hands roaming her body leave and the body moves away from her. Her senses begin to calm and she turns to find who was dancing behind her.

“Lisa…” she hears him again and her head turns towards the sound. Standing in the shadows is a tall, well-built man who has a soft glow about him. She tries to adjust her eyes to see him, but it’s no use. The lighting is too dark. She begins taking a step towards him, but a hand reaches out for her. Grasping Lisa’s hand, Jill turns her back around and smiles at her friend. Resting her hands on Lisa’s shoulders, Jill dances to the rhythm of the music. Lisa grins and starts dancing again. Looking back towards the shadows again, she finds the man’s gone.

Looking across the floor in the other direction, her eyes land on Samuel. He gazes back at her, a smirk on his lips. The look on his face is one of desire and lust, everything Lisa was feeling a moment ago. His eyes are dark and fierce. His lips are inviting as he mouths Let me fuck you. She can feel the lure of him, feel the pull he’s having over her. It’s as if steel hands begin moving over her body, coiling around her as they pull her towards him. His face tilts down slightly and his gaze becomes stronger, more alive. His lips pull into a grin and he licks around his bottom lip with what appears to be a serpents tongue.

Gasping softly, Lisa forces herself to look away and she turns back to Jill. “I think it’s time for me to go home. I’m not feeling very well.” Jill looks at her, then nods and the two turn away from the dance floor. Wanting to steer clear of Samuel, Lisa and Jill walk in the opposite direction, towards the door.

Stepping out into the cold night air, the crispness jolts Lisa awake. It’s as if she’s able to breathe again. “I’m sorry, Jill. You can go back inside if you want.”

The valet approaches Lisa and she hands him her ticket stub. The valet returns to his desk and he looks up Lisa’s limo information. He picks up a phone and places a call before hanging up. Lisa looks up as the valet approaches, letting her know her limo will be around shortly. Nodding, she turns back to Jill. “Honestly, it’s fine if you want to go back in. I think I had too much to drink tonight.” She knows she didn’t and feels fine but, between Samuel and the voice she heard on the dance floor, she begins to wonder if something wasn’t slipped into her drink…or maybe she’s losing her mind.

Jill pulls Lisa into a hug. “I’ll go back inside then. Thank-you for understanding.”

“There’s nothing to understand,” Lisa informs her, then pulls back. Looking into Jill’s eyes, she can see the excitement of being at a red carpet event. “Go back in and have a good time. Just get your own drinks, okay?”

“Of course. Call you tomorrow?”

“You bet.” As Jill turns and heads back inside, Lisa turns to wait for her limo.

“It’s quite an event in there.”

She nods but doesn’t pay any attention to who’s talking. The limo pulls up and the driver gets out, walks around the passenger side and opens the door for her. Lisa gets in and the driver closes the door. She looks out the window and the man standing there is the man she saw in the ballroom. She turns her body in an effort to get a better look. As the limo begins to pull away, she sees Samuel come outside. He approaches the stranger on the sidewalk, grasps the man’s shoulder, and turns him around quickly. Samuel begins yelling at him as Lisa’s limo turns the corner, taking her out of sight from what is about to unfold.

Chapter 4

Looking out over the horizon, Lisa stands in a meadow. The grass is green all around her. The sun is shining, her skin is warm. She’s barefoot and the grass tickles the bottom of her feet and ankles. As she walks, daisies sporadically sprout up and brush against her bare legs. It’s as if they knew she was coming and grew purposely just to be touched by her. Her pink halter sundress, decorated with white polka dots, blows gently against her body. Her hair dances across her back as she begins to run in the field.

Julie Morgan's books