Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

She smiles and slips inside her condo, closing the door behind her. Hurriedly, she tosses the mail on the entry table, then quickly makes her way towards her bedroom. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she gives herself a good look. "If I change clothes, I'll look like I'm trying to impress him. If I go like this, I look like I'm slumming. Shit!"

Waving herself off in the mirror, she pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it on the bed. Kicking off her black sandals, she unbuttons her pants and pushes them off her body, tossing them next to her shirt. Moving quickly to her closet, she rushes through the rack of clothing and pulls out a red halter top and a black skirt. Pulling on the top, she adjusts her breasts for optimal viewing, then pulls on the skirt. The hem sits a few inches above her knees, giving her legs nice exposure. Walking back into the bedroom, she slips her feet back into the sandals. Grabbing a clip from her dresser, she steps in front of her mirror and pulls her hair into a twist and clips it. Pulling a few stray hairs around her face, she nods.

Grabbing her purse, she slings it over her shoulder and grabs her keys. She takes a deep breath, then opens the door. She looks over at Alex, who pushes off the wall. He looks her over and smiles. "You changed." Lisa smiles and nods, seeing the look of approval in Alex's gaze.

She looks down and the few strands of her hair move around her face. "I didn’t want to wear what I had on in public. I hope that's okay?" She looks up at Alex, her gaze seductive. Her lips pull into a smile as she reaches up, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's perfect." Alex reaches up and shifts a strand from her eyes. "Where shall we go first?" Lisa turns to lock her door. She feels Alex watching her. She purses her lips to refrain from giggling or laughing out loud. Pulling her keys from the lock, she opens her purse and lets the keys drop inside.

Lisa considers Alex's question, bringing a finger up to tap her chin. He smiles down at her and lets out a soft chuckle. Lisa looks up at him, tilting her head. "What's so funny?"

Alex shakes his head in amusement. "Nothing. You're adorable when you think." She blushes and looks away for a moment.

Bringing her hands in front of her, she intertwines her fingers. "Well, have you ever visited Ground Zero?" She looks up at Alex and shrugs. "Not many actually visit it when they’re not from here. Reconstruction is already underway, but you get a sense of everything when you actually go down there." Lisa looks down as she takes a few steps towards the stairs. "It's a really beautiful site with all that has been done to the area. We can go up into one of the buildings and look down on the site." She looks up at Alex while they walk down the hallway.

"Sounds good to me." As they reach the door to the stairwell, he reaches for the door and pulls it open. He motions for Lisa to enter. "Ladies first." She looks up at him and smiles softly, then begins taking the steps down, Alex close behind her. He pushes on the bar to open the door, holding it for her.

"Such a gentleman.” She smiles at him.

She passes through the door into the open lobby of the building. Approaching the main entrance, the automatic doors slide open and the two walk outside. As the sunlight kisses against Lisa's exposed skin and warming her up, Alex steps out next to her and the doors slide shut. Looking up at him, she notices hints of strawberry-blond glistening in his hair, and his tan skin reflects the light. Pulling her sunglasses from her purse, she slides them onto her face. "Would you like to take one of our cars or would you like to ride the transit?"

"I think taking the train would be fun. Then we can take our time walking around the city without worrying about parking fees." He looks down at Lisa and smiles. "Plus, you’ll be forced to hang with me all day."

Lisa looks up and laughs. "I don't think that’ll be so hard. I like your company…so far." He grins and they make their way towards the train station.

She looks away as she feels her cheeks warm. Thankful for the warm sun, she knows the rays might mask her blush. She steals a glance at him again. He has to be one of the most beautiful creatures she's ever seen. His skin shines with a faint sheen of perspiration. She imagines what he would look like without his shirt…the sweat beading on his chest, or water running down his naked body in the shower. She smiles to herself as she looks away from him, trying to keep herself out of trouble.

Hailing down a cab, they climb inside and begin their trip towards Ground Zero. The walk to the train station is about eight blocks away from their condo complex, and the heat from the direct sun is brutal without shade from trees or at least the buildings in Manhattan. Seeing the station a distance away, the buildings windows shine as the sun reflects off the glass. Alex turns to Lisa. "So when's the last time you did this? You know, take a trip down to the city with a stranger you just met?"

Julie Morgan's books