Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)


Leaving the nail salon, Lisa waves bye as they take off in different directions. Assuming Jill’s heading home to get ready for her date, Lisa pulls out her phone and calls Alex. Clearing her throat, she listens to his phone ring. “Hello?” His voice is deep when he answers. The sound floods through her mind and she smiles.

“Hey, it’s Lisa. Are you busy?”

“Not in the least.” She can hear a smile in his voice. “Are you home? You could have come over instead of calling, you know.”

Lisa smiles. “I’m not home, and that’s why I called you. Do you have plans this afternoon?” Suddenly, she’s curious about what she and Alex are to each other. They’ve been spending almost every day together. He’s kissed her a few times, but not a kiss like she’s wanted from him. More than anything, Lisa wants to make out with him on her bed. Hell, her couch would be a great option, too.

“I don’t have anything at the moment, but it sounds like something’s in the works. What’s going on?”

She smiles, pulling the phone away and letting out a soft squeal. She clears her throat. “I just met with my friend, Jill, who I’d like you to meet, if that’s okay. She wants to do a double date.” There, she’s put it on the table. They’ll have another date and, this time, he’ll meet her best friend.

“Sure, I’m cool with that. What time should I pick you up?” He chuckles at what has become their inside joke.

Feeling excitement run through her, she says, “How about six o’clock?”

“You got it. I’ll see you at six then.” He pauses for a moment, then continues, “Who’s her date? Anyone you know?”

“Oh, right. Lisa’s seeing a guy that she met at a club we went to the other night.” At that moment, images of Samuel flood her mind as she recalls the red carpet event…his hands on her arms, the way he touched her face, the kisses she shared with him.

Bringing her from her thoughts, Alex replies, “Okay, cool. If you like him, then I’m sure I’ll be okay with him. I think I need to make an impression on the best friend first, right?”

“On Jill?” Lisa laughs, and finds this sweet and charming. “I think you’ll have her convinced you’re a good guy.” Lisa tries pushing the thoughts of Samuel out of her mind, but she remembers how his chest felt under her hands, the way he breathed against her ears, the way his lips felt on her neck. Stop it, she tells herself.

“I’ll take your word for it,” he tells her.

“Okay, ‘bye, Alex. See you later.”

“See you later.” Alex hangs up and Lisa presses the END button, then sets her phone down.

Parking at her condo complex, Lisa walks towards the elevator in the garage. Lifting her hand, she examines her freshly manicured nails. Pressing the button, she waits for the elevator to arrive. As the doors open, she steps inside the empty elevator and presses her floor button. As the doors close, she looks down, the mirrored doors reflecting her image. Lisa pulls out her phone and scrolls for Jill’s name. She doesn’t see the reflection of the hooded man standing behind her. His red eyes glow under the shadow of his hood. His lips form a sneer, as Lisa’s fingers swipe across her screen. The elevator comes to a stop and his hands reach out for her. The doors begin to open and Lisa looks up…but the image is gone.

Making her way down the hallway, she stops at her door, unlocks it, and walks inside. Locking the door behind her, she sets her purse down on the entryway table, then places her keys in the crystal bowl. Slipping her shoes off, she carries them into her bedroom, putting them away. Looking through her closet, she spies a cocktail dress. Shaking her head, she pulls out a dark green halter dress. Tilting her head, she looks it over, imagining it on her body while talking to Alex.

Julie Morgan's books