Conviction (Consolation Duet #2)

“Please don’t ask me that. I may have forgiven you, but I don’t want to hurt you. So please, don’t ask unless you’re really ready for the answer,” I implore.


Aaron reaches his arm out tentatively and we embrace. He needs this, and in a way, so do I. The life we shared together was filled with happy times. There was love and passion, but the end was where we failed. It’s both of our faults the marriage was where it was. I know he wants a chance, but my heart is with Liam.


“I know what your answer is.” Aaron looks away. “I’m going to stay here for a bit.”


“Okay,” I reply. “I’m going to make some arrangements for Aarabelle. Liam deploys in three days, and I want to see him off. I want us to do what’s best for her, so I can ask my parents to stay here so you can spend some time with her or they can take her?” I give him a little, hoping he’ll see that while I’m not asking for permission, I’m taking into account his feelings. He is Aara’s father, and I won’t begrudge him the time with her.


“I’d like to spend some time with her, so if they agree to stay here . . .”


“I’ll ask,” I smile.


Aaron nods and looks off toward the water as I head to the house.


Liam stands on the deck as I advance. “He okay?”


“I think he’s getting there. That hurt him a lot,” I explain.


He looks at the sky and then back at me. “I never wanted that to happen. I should get going.”


“Don’t leave yet,” I request. “I’m going to have my parents stay here with Aaron and Aarabelle. You and I are going to spend your last days here together.”


Liam’s lips lift as his eyes brighten. He steps closer hesitantly before his fingers graze my cheek. “Are we?”


“We are, and if you’re a good boy, maybe you can break out that eggroll,” I raise my brow and for the first time it feels normal.


“I’m not sure you deserve my eggroll,” he jokes.


I lean close to his ear and use the tip of my fingernail to scrape down his chest. “I think you and I both know you can’t resist me. So, you can go home, and then I’ll be over with a bag soon.”


Liam’s lips just barely touch my ear. I shiver involuntarily as his breath wisps across my skin. “Don’t bring any clothes, you won’t need them.”


I close my eyes and try to get myself under control as I now need to get the rest of my plan set. “I’ll see you soon.”


“I’ll be waiting.” He kisses the side of my cheek and walks off.


God, I love that man.




My parents were all too happy to stay at the house with Aarabelle. I explained the situation briefly, and they seemed to understand. Aaron was surly but didn’t say much when I left. Once I arrive at Liam’s, I grab my bag and head to his apartment. He opens the door before I have a chance to knock.


“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” he grins and leans against the door. His dark hair shines in the sunlight, and his white shirt accentuates his muscles. My mouth waters at the sight of him as my body burns to see it all.


I lick my lips and drag my bottom lip between my teeth. “Well,” I say pushing my hand on his chest. He doesn’t move, but I shove him a little harder and back him into the apartment. “What are you going to do with me now that you have me?”


Liam grips my hips and then kicks the door closed. He lifts me into his arms while pressing me against the door. “Do you know how much that dress made me fucking crazy?”


I nod and tangle my fingers in his hair. “I hoped it would. Nothing else seemed to get you to stop being so stupid.”


His head rests on mine as we both breathe in each other. “You came to me. You’re here instead of there.”


My hand pulls his head back so he can look at me. I watch the turmoil flicker through his eyes. “I choose you. I just wish you’d believe me.”


“Let’s skip the heavy shit. I have an idea.”


“Now I’m intrigued.”


“As much as I’d love to strip you down and make love to you for hours,” he pauses.


“I’m good with that.”


He laughs and kisses me, but before we can get hot and heavy he shifts back. Liam glances at his watch and puts me down. “We gotta go now.”


“Go where?” I ask confused.


Liam smiles and holds me against him. “Trust me?”




He takes my hand and grabs a bag by the door. I reach for mine but Liam grabs it before I can reach. I smile at him and he winks. “We gotta hurry.”


We sit in Robin, and Liam starts her up. My mind starts to wonder if we’re going to Corolla. I would love to spend time with him completely alone and enjoy having that house again. Instead of bugging him, I let him surprise me. We only have a few days before he has to leave, so it’s not like we can be going very far.


I notice we’re not heading south, and now I’m really curious. We continue to head in the opposite direction, until we pull into the airport parking lot. He’s got to be kidding me. How the hell can we go anywhere requiring a plane ride? It’s not feasible.


“Why are we at the airport?” I can’t hold back any longer.


“Because we’re going on a plane.”