Conviction (Consolation Duet #2)


Jackson walks over looking nervous. He keeps wringing his hands and wiping them on his pants. I can’t remember a time I’ve seen him looking frayed. “Hi,” he says glancing around.


“Hi?” I reply skeptically as I smile a little.


“So, I’m going to propose to Catherine. I wanted to do it after the party, but I have something set up on the beach for ten minutes from now. I wasn’t sure how long these kid party things last . . .”


My eyes alight and I’m so happy for him I could scream. “So go. Don’t be stupid. Where are you taking her?”


“The lighthouse,” he smiles and checks to make sure no one is near us. “I would love for everyone to come in about a half hour, but I don’t know now since I apparently have shitty timing.”


The joy in my heart is overwhelming. He deserves this so much. After he lost Madelyn, none of us were sure he’d recover, but when you see him with Catherine, you can’t help but be happy. They’ve been through a lot of troubles, but in the end they endured. There’s nothing more I’d like than to be a part of their special moment.


“I’ll have my parents watch Aarabelle and round everyone up.” I place my hand on his forearm. “I’m genuinely happy for you.”


He smiles down at me. “Thanks, Lee.” Jackson kisses my cheek and then nudges my arm. “I’m gonna grab Cat and head there.”


I nod and watch him walk off. My eyes drift to Liam who’s looking at me. Our gazes stay connected, and I suddenly wish we were that happy. He’s the man I want to come home to, wake up next to, and fall asleep with, but for some reason he’s trying to be noble.


Jackson and Catherine walk off to the beach while I head over to our friends. Mark, Ashton, Quinn, and Liam all look over as I approach. “Did Jackson fill you all in?” I ask, and they nod. Liam looks away for the first time, and my anger builds at his dismissal. “Okay, I’m going to change my shoes.”


“Are you sure you want to walk on the beach in that dress?” Liam asks seemingly annoyed.


I smile at the fact that my plan is working. “Yup. I’m very comfortable.”


“Glad someone is,” he mutters under his breath.


Mark and Quinn give each other a look and slap each other on the chest. Apparently, they notice his crappy attitude.


I climb the stairs and check on Aaron. He’s sound asleep and for once not thrashing around. I decide not to wake him and grab my shoes. Liam is waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I stop on the bottom step and have to restrain myself from either leaping into his arms or slapping him again.


“You can’t be mad at me because you don’t like your decision.”


Liam steps closer and we’re eye to eye. “I don’t like the situation. This is fucking impossible.”


“What is?”


“Not touching you,” his hand lifts and he holds my cheek. “Not talking to you,” he keeps me captivated with his voice. “Not kissing you,” Liam leans in and our lips are almost touching. “Is it killing you, Lee?”


I don’t answer. I hold my ground for a second before I can’t hold back any longer. My lips press against his and I melt. His arms drop, he grips my hips, holding me tight as my arms wrap around his neck. I won’t let go . . . I can’t let go. I need him to fill my lungs and awaken me again. There’s a house full of people, but right now there’s no one else but us. His lips mold to mine and our tongues meet. Liam pushes me back against the wall, hiding us from anyone’s view. He kisses me languidly, and I find myself in his touch.


Someone clears their throat, and we break apart. I look over at Reanell who has her hands on her hips. “At least find a spare room.” She shakes her head and walks away.


“We should go,” I say, feeling conflicted. He tilts back against the railing, wipes his mouth, which smears the lipstick even worse. “You have lipstick on your face,” I say moving closer. I wipe his mouth, relishing the way his lip feels against my finger. The smell of his cologne filters around us.


He grips my wrist before it drops, “I won’t lose you.”


“You’re damn right you won’t.”


Liam releases my arm, takes my hand in his, as we head toward the lighthouse. Everyone is ahead of us, and I savor the fact that we’re alone. Neither of us fills the silence, we just walk hand in hand. Liam’s thumb rubs the back of my hand, giving me comfort in his touch. Once we’re out of view of my home, he drags me close, and wraps his arm around my waist. He pulls me tight against him, and dips me back. I watch his blue eyes shimmer as his mouth slowly moves toward mine.


Our lips touch and there’s no rush. He kisses me like I’m a treasure in his arms. He cradles my head as he holds his mouth to mine. I could stay like this forever.


Liam pulls me back but keeps his arms wrapped around me. “I’m sorry.”


“For kissing me?”