Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“I was going to ask you the same thing?” Jill replied into his neck, afraid to make eye contact with him yet. Her emotions and feelings were raw.

Slade leaned back away from her. “You probably don’t want to take too much. My blood is going to be more potent than others.” He looked down at her legs which were wrapped around his lower body.

Her eyes followed the path his had taken. A blush bloomed across her face. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She unwrapped her legs, scooting further back on the table.

He only nodded as he reached to grab his shirt. “You should heal quicker now.” He tugged his shirt over his head. “I’m having appointments with all the half-breeds next week, so I’ll see how you’re doing by then. If you need anything sooner, just let me know.”

Hopping from the table, Jill was totally shocked when her leg held and didn’t hurt at all. She moved her shoulder not feeling a twinge of pain. Hell he was a walking cure for aches and pains. Feeling dumb and inadequate just standing there, Jill headed for the door figuring she was dismissed.

“Thank you,” Jill replied, finally able to make eye contact with him.

“It’s my job, Jill.” He nodded. “I’ll find someone to take care of your needs, but for now you should be fine.”

Okay, that hurt a little, but what did she expect? For him to fall to his knees announcing his undying love for her and swearing that he would be her hot, sexy blood bank? Yeah, in her dreams. Taking one last long look at him she savored the moment, because she was sure she would never have her lips or anything else on this man again. Men like him didn’t go for girls like her, and at that moment that’s what he made her feel like, a little girl.

“Well, I appreciate it, Dr. Buchanan.” She added his title, because the sooner she realized he was way out of her league, the more protected her heart would stay. This was a man she could fall for…hard. Jill moved too fast once she was out the door, missing the cursing and loud bang of a fist going through the wall of the room she had just left.

Chapter 17

Duncan watched Pam pack her things. Tonight, Nicole and Tessa were throwing her a surprise baby shower at his place. It was time he took her to his private domain.

“What time did you get in last night?” Pam asked, folding a shirt and placing it in the small suitcase Nicole let her borrow.

“It was late.” He smiled. “You don’t remember me carrying you to bed?”

Pam laughed. “I actually thought it was a dream until I woke up in bed. Then I knew you had carried me here.”

By the time they had come back from taking in the vampires, questioning and processing, not to mention cleaning up the mess Slade had made, everyone at the compound had been fast asleep, except for Nicole and Adam.

“You talk in your sleep,” Duncan teased as he closed her suitcase for her, setting it by the door.

“No, I don’t,” Pam argued then frowned. “Do I?”

He grinned, wrapping her in his arms. “You do.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“What did I say?” She put her head on his chest liking the feel of his hands rubbing her aching back.

“Well, it was kind of hard to make out because some of it was mumbled, but I did hear my name a few times.” He liked her soft sighs when he rubbed her back. “Does that feel good?”

“Yes, it does,” Pam replied nodding into his chest. “Do you think it will always be like this?”

“Like what?” Duncan had closed his eyes, resting his chin on the top of her head.

“Nice, like this,” Pam whispered. “Not fighting or hating each other.”

Duncan pulled away, forcing her to look at him. “We’re going to fight, Pam, but never would I hate you.”

Before Pam could answer, someone knocked on the door. With a long sigh, Duncan let her go to answer it.

Slade stood on the other side. “Hope I’m not interrupting, but I wanted to see how Pam was doing before the meeting.”

“Come on in.” Duncan opened the door wide. “Is it five already?”

“Almost,” Slade replied looking at Pam. “You look much better today.”

Pam smiled. “I feel much better, thanks.”

“No pain?” Slade’s turn from Warrior to doctor was instant.

“None.” Pam rubbed her stomach with a motherly smile; she absolutely glowed. Both men stared at her. “What?” Pam laughed nervously.

Slade cleared his throat. “You’re beautiful.” Slade slid a glance at Duncan. “Sorry.”

Duncan glared at Slade.

“I’m just saying she makes a very beautiful pregnant woman.” Slade tried to explain, but when Duncan continued to glare, Slade chuckled. “Listen, I don’t want your woman. Just a compliment. I swear it.”

Pam walked up to Duncan wrapping her arm around his. “Thank you…Dr. Buchanan.” She grinned when Duncan’s frown slipped into a half smile.

“He’s right. You are gorgeous.” Duncan looked down at her, his true feelings there for everyone to see.

Teresa Gabelman's books