Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Everyone was staring at her retreating back, and as she disappeared, they all looked at Slade. “Is that all?” He looked at Sloan ignoring the inquiring stares. He was a doctor asking a patient how she was doing, that was all.

Sloan grabbed a few more pictures. “Actually, no.”

“Please tell me those aren’t of any of us naked.” Sid grabbed them, but his humor was quickly replaced with anger as he shuffled through them.

“Jared found those in Pam’s old apartment.” Sloan plucked one of Damon with a red laser dot on his temple. “We had them analyzed. They’re fake. Kenny was using them to control Pam. We needed to make sure there wasn’t an assassin out there waiting for the go ahead to take anyone out.”

“Good to know.” Jared frowned, but his eyes were locked on the picture lying on Sloan’s desk of him and Vicky.

“Okay, get out of here.” Sloan stood. “I’ll see you guys later tonight.”

“You coming?” Duncan asked as he passed.

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Sloan nodded picking up the phone. “Need to make a few phone calls, then I’ll be on my way. I’ll make sure I’m there before you and Pam.”

Jared hung back letting everyone leave. “How did this picture get here?” He pointed to the one of him and Vicky.

Sloan frowned. “It was mailed today.” There was also an envelope exactly like this addressed to Tessa. “I saw her leaving with Nicole so I gave it to her.”

“Dammit.” Jared cursed. “That picture makes it look like something it wasn’t.”

“I know that.” Sloan’s voice rang true. “And I’m sure Tessa will know it also.”

“Are we being set up?” Jared rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“It looks that way, but just not sure by who and why.” Sloan slapped his back. “But we’ll find out.”

“Yeah, we will.” Jared walked out of the room, a look of dread on his face.

Chapter 18

Duncan’s house went from manly bachelor pad to festive baby décor. Everywhere you looked there were white and blue balloons, congratulations banners and beautiful wrapped gifts. Tessa watched Adam and Angelina hanging blue and white balloons. She was happy to see them together. She knew they had hit a rough spot in their relationship and were trying to work it out.

Looking away, she continued cutting the vegetables for the veggie tray, but her focus was elsewhere. The mail Sloan had given her on their way out had thrown her world upside down. She knew she had to give Jared a chance to explain, but in all honesty, the picture in the envelope said it all. All her past insecurities weighed her down, and she hated it, hated feeling less than.

Vicky was a beautiful woman, and she was a vampire. Tessa was not. She couldn’t even give Jared what he needed. Her blood wasn’t enough for him. He had to go elsewhere. It hadn’t really bothered her before. No that was a lie. It had bothered her, that he was taking blood from a woman whose beauty put hers to shame. The real sad part about it was Tessa actually liked Vicky. Her personality matched her beauty. Tessa should hate her, but she didn’t or at least she hadn’t.

“I think you killed the cauliflower, sis.” Adam teased, grabbing another bag of balloons.

Tessa looked down at the mess she had made. The cauliflower would be better suited snorted than eaten. Without saying anything, Tessa wiped it off the cutting board into the trash grabbing more to cut.

“What’s wrong?” Adam was at her side. As brother and sister, they had always been in tune with each other’s moods.

“Just tired.” Looking at their grandfather, Tessa tried to throw the attention off her. “Does gramps need anything?”

“Yeah, for you to tell me what’s wrong.” Adam tossed Steve and Angelina the balloons, and then leaned on the counter staring at his sister.

“Nothing’s wrong, Adam.” Tessa sighed chopping away on another head of cauliflower. The knife slipped slicing down straight across her index and middle fingers.

“Dammit, Tessa.” Adam grabbed the knife from her. “Watch what you’re doing.”

They both looked at the clean cut that didn’t start bleeding until seconds later, and then the blood gushed. Grabbing her, he led her to the sink sticking her hand under the faucet. Glancing at her face as he held her hand under the water, her face paled. “We need to get you to the hospital.”

“No.” Tessa replied through clenched teeth. “I’m not going to ruin Pam’s party. Just get me a band-aid.”

“A band-aid?” Adam snorted. “You’re going to need stitches. You can see the bone, which is really gross by the way.”

Tessa also saw the bone. “Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out,” she repeated to herself. “Get me a towel.”

“What happened?” Nicole walked over, glancing into the sink to see what they were doing. “Oh crap. Tessa, what did you do?”

“She about cut her damn fingers off.” Adam came back with a towel.

Teresa Gabelman's books