Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“So I’m not a dead man for complimenting your beautiful lady?” Slade teased heading for the door.

“Guess I need to get used to that, or I’m going to have to take out most of the male population.” Duncan winked at Pam. “So today, you live.”

“Much appreciated.” Slade laughed. “See you at the meeting.”

As soon as the door shut, Duncan kissed Pam, pulling her close. “I have to go.”

“You sure you have to?” Pam nuzzled his neck.

“Yes,” he whispered in her ear, making her shiver. “Or you will probably be witness to one of Sloan’s temper freak outs.”

“Then go, because I don’t think I want to see that.” Pam pushed him toward the door.

“It’s pretty ugly. Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw him having one,” he teased. Leaning down, he kissed her goodbye. “As soon as I’m done, we’ll take off to my place.”

“Can’t wait,” Pam replied, feeling excited to actually be looking forward to something. It felt great for a change. “Duncan, thank you.”

“For what?” He stopped right outside the door.

“Everything.” Pam smiled, feeling radiant by the look he gave her. With a nod and wink, he was gone. Walking to the mirror, Pam looked at her reflection. She hardly recognized her happy face. “Welcome back.” She grinned into her own reflection.


Duncan walked into Sloan’s office, and by the look on Sloan’s face, Duncan was ready to walk back out. “Happy you decided to join us,” Sloan growled tossing him a look.

Knowing that keeping his mouth shut was the best thing to do, Duncan took an empty place against the wall.

“Good, now that we’re all here…” He glared at Duncan who just stared without any facial expression at all. “I’ll just start this little meeting with these.” He slammed pictures on his desk, spreading them out with his hand. Everyone’s eyes fell on the pictures.

“Oh snap!” Sid grabbed one of Nicole and Damon at the front door of the compound, Nicole’s hand clearly cupping Damon. “Shit, I can’t even think of anything to stay,” Sid snorted, shaking his head and practically wheezing with laughter.

“Well how about this one?” Sloan grabbed one of Sid throwing the reporter off the property onto the street. “You got anything to say about this?”

“Photoshop.” Sid tossed Sloan an innocent look.

“Then I’m sure this one is also Photoshop?” Sloan picked up one from last night with Sid flipping off the camera.

“Damn, that was fast.” Sid glanced from the picture to Sloan’s angry scowl. “Isn’t it amazing what they can do now with computers?”

“That’s actually a good picture of you.” Jared observed tilting his head. “You should get that one framed.”

“Thank you.” Sid grabbed it looking it over. “I think I may just do that.”

“Dammit!” Sloan shouted. “Do you take anything seriously?”

“Now, boss…” Sid began, but stopped at Sloan’s sneer. “You were saying?”

“There are more pictures of Duncan, Jared, Slade, me, your mates, the half-breeds and this one is my favorite.” He handed one to Jared. “Hope you have a good excuse for this one.”

Jared’s eyes darkened as he looked at the picture of him and Vicky, one of the female vampires the Warriors fed from standing close together looking as if they were having a secret meeting. Both wore smiles as they stared at each other their heads bent toward one another. She was excited because she was finally getting out of working for the Council, and was opening her own candle shop with a friend, but the picture made it look like they were having a secret lover’s meeting.

“Not so funny now, is it?” Sloan glared watching the expressions cross Jared’s face. “We are under the microscope more than ever now, and I don’t think I need to tell you how important it is to watch yourselves, and your actions, because it doesn’t seem like their interest concerns just Pam.”

Duncan looked through the pictures finding at least ten of Pam, but the one that froze him was of her staring out the window. If a photographer got this close, so could Kenny.

“Next on the list.” Sloan sat down running his hand through his hair. “Our girl Jill stumbled on something last night. After interviewing the vampires we took into custody, we didn’t get much out of them, but the girl had plenty to say. Sid, fill us in since you interviewed her.”

“Her name is Janie Sandfoss. Three of her human male friends were looking to make some good money by selling her to the vampires last night, who are part of a human trafficking ring, here in Cincinnati. She was to be sold to the vampires last night, who would then take her to an undisclosed location to be sold at auction to the highest bidder. Seems overnight, the need for human women has become highly profitable. Once sold to the highest bidder, they will be turned into half-breeds to breed. Pam’s pregnancy has started this new trend.”

Teresa Gabelman's books