Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Watch out!” Jill warned. Another vampire came toward his left, but Slade stuck his hand out grabbing him around the throat without looking.

“You guys sure you want to play?” Slade said to the others as the vampire in his hold made gasping gurgling sounds. Slade squeezed even harder.

Car lights lit up the alley. Jared jumped out of the car before it even stopped, Sid not far behind.

Looking down at the vampire, who wasn’t quite dead jerking on the ground, his neck at an odd angle, Jared toed him with his boot. “This one piss you off, doc?”

Catching sight of another getting ready to take off, snapped Sid to attention, his eyes glowing. “Go ahead, run. Bet I catch ya.”

The vampire stopped. “We didn’t touch her.”

“Get on your knees with your hands behind your head,” Jared ordered opening his phone. “Now!” he shouted when only one did as he was told.

Slade tossed the one he held next to the rest of them.

“There’s a woman in the car.” Jill stood limping her way over to check on the woman.

Out of the shadows, the vampire who had taken the other woman grabbed Jill wrapping his arm around her neck dragging her a few steps back. Jill struggled, but he was too strong.

“Back the fuck up or I’ll rip her throat out,” he snarled, his fangs gleaming. He looked at the others on their knees. “Get up and get in the car!”

“Let her go or-”

“Or what…die?” The vampire mocked Slade as he leaned down licking the side of Jill’s face, a crazy look in his eyes.

As soon as the vampire leaned back up, a hole appeared in the center of his forehead, his body weight falling on Jill, taking them both to the ground. Slade put the gun back in the waistband of his jeans under his jacket, as the echo of the gunshot faded.

The other vampires who had started toward the car dropped once again to their knees, hands behind their heads.

“That was fucking awesome.” Sid grinned then mocked the now dead vampire. “Or die? Then BAM the bitch is dead! God, I love this shit.”

Jill kicked and pushed trying to get the dead weight of the vampire off her. Slade reached down lifting him off her without a grunt, tossing him to the side. “Check the woman in the car,” Jill told Slade.

“Sid,” Slade called out. “Check on the woman.”

Jared stood guard over the other vampires, still talking on the phone.

Slade knelt down in front of Jill. “Where are you hurt?”

“I’m not,” Jill replied not looking into his eyes. “There were three human men here also.”

“Stop playing Warrior for a minute, and tell me where you’re hurt?” Slade growled helping her to her feet.

“I’m not hurt.” She grimaced, putting weight on her leg. “I’ll be fine in a minute.”

“No, you won’t.” Slade’s eyes narrowed. “And do you know why?”

“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” Jill turned to check on the woman Sid was talking to.

Slade spun her back around. He scooped her up. “I just killed two men. You are going to talk about it, and it’s going to be right now.”

Flashes went off making the alleyway look like a disco dance floor with strobe lights. Reporters swarmed the place taking pictures of everything.

“Is it really against the law for us to kill reporters?” Sid growled as he stood in front of the woman he had been interviewing.

“Sloan is going to be pissed.” Jared frowned.

“What’s new?” Sid flipped off one cameraman with a smile. “Just another day at the office.”

Chapter 16

Pam, Duncan and the others had pulled into the compound when the call came in. Damon gave Nicole a quick kiss before running out the door.

Sloan passed them on his way out, glaring at Duncan. “You coming?” His tone and glare indicated that he expected him to get his ass in gear and in the van.

“No.” His tone was final.

Sloan growled before slamming open the door. “You’re lucky I don’t put you on report.”

“Duncan, please go.” Pam urged him seeing the indecision in his eyes. “I’m fine. They need you. This is your job. It’s what you do.”

Adam had walked out to see what was going on. “Go ahead, man. Me and the others are here. We’ll lock up tight and watch some movies or something.”

“They’ve got this,” Duncan replied, his stubbornness stamped across his face.

Pam let go of his hand. “If you don’t go, I’m leaving.”

“No, you’re not.” He reached for her hand again, but she pulled it away.

“I will not come between your job, and the other Warriors,” Pam replied, just as stubborn. “I’m fine, and if anything happens, someone will call you. Now, go.”

Duncan shot everyone an evil glare as if it was their fault. “Don’t leave the compound.” His eyes softened when they came back around to her.

“Not even a toe out the door.” Pam nodded. “Now go before Sloan does put you on report, whatever that means.”

In front of everyone, he gently grabbed her face, pulling her to him. “I’ll be back soon.” He kissed her softly, his thumbs caressing her cheeks.

Teresa Gabelman's books