Duncan (The Protectors #3)

The man who spoke was vampire, his golden eyes glowing in the darkness. “You got that right, little girl.” He nodded to one of the men who grabbed the woman dragging her toward a car. The woman tried to fight, but the man tossed her around like a rag doll.

The woman’s eyes met Jill’s briefly; she was human. Jill’s attention went back to the other men who started moving toward her as a group, the one who spoke in front.

“Holy shit. Luck is with us tonight, boys. We got us a half-breed.” The man laughed clapping his hands together. “And I thought it was going to be a light night. We are going to make bank.”

Jill kept quiet, thinking of her options, which were few. She noticed that three of the human men had stopped and were edging away from the vampires who pressed forward. Okay, that left five full-blooded vampires; the other full-blood was busy with the woman. Was she ready for this? Probably not, but she wasn’t going down without a fight.

His eyes roamed her body stopping on her stomach, his grin widened. “You’re the pregnant half-breed.” He looked over at the others slapping one on the back. “She’s the one.”

Her hand going automatically to the pillow still securely tucked in her shirt, Jill frowned, not knowing if that was going to help or hurt her. By the look of glee on the vampires’ faces, she didn’t think it was a plus.

“Listen, I need help.” Jill searched for a solution to her current situation while repeatedly cursing herself for jumping out of the car. What the hell had she been thinking? “I’m running from reporters and need to find the VC Warriors. We got split up.”

Fear flashed in a few golden eyes at the mention of the Warriors, but the obvious leader snorted. “Honey, just stick with us.” He stepped closer making Jill step back. He cocked his head at her action, a not so nice smile curving his lips. “We can keep you safe and get you out of the city. Don’t seem the Warriors are doing a very good job. Heard they were a bunch of pussies.”

If they only knew, Jill thought with a snort. “I appreciate that, but they’re looking for me now. I’ll just head back the way I came. I’m sure they’re close.”

“I don’t think that’s her.” The vampire on the end had stepped closer looking at Jill.

“What the fuck you mean, that’s not her.” The main vampire pointed to her stomach. “She’s fucking pregnant, isn’t she?”

Knowing it was about to get nasty, Jill turned to take off, but wasn’t quick enough.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He grabbed her arm with one hand as the other reached out to touch her stomach. Jill tried to avoid contact, but his grip was strong, and her not feeding had made her weaker than she should be. His hand sunk into the pillow she had hidden under her shirt. His golden eyes turned dark as he reached under her shirt pulling out the hospital pillow she had used.

“I knew it,” the other one growled. “I told you it wasn’t her.”

The one holding Jill leaned down holding the pillow up. “What the fuck is this?” he growled so close she felt his breath on her face. “What kind of game are you playing?”

Jill knew it was do or die time. Words from the Warriors came back to her in a rush of instructions, but Sid’s words rang true in her current situation, ‘When all else fails, fight dirty’. Leaning her head back, she thrust it forward with all her might head butting the vampire. Before she could take off, another vampire stopped her. Struggling to get away, she kicked, scratched and punched anything that got in her way.

“You bitch.” The vampire she head-butted grabbed her by the shirt throwing her across the alley by the car.

Doing her best to land and roll out of the fall, Jill grunted when her sore shoulder made contact with the hard concrete. Okay, pain sucked. Pushing herself off the ground, she caught sight of Slade standing in the shadows. Shaking her head in warning, she missed the booted foot that kicked her hard in the leg.

“Get up, bitch.” The leader picked up his leg to kick her again.

“I wouldn’t suggest you doing that.” Slade stepped out of the shadows, taking in the situation as he walked right up to the vampire standing over Jill.

“Who the hell are you?” The vampire who she had head-butted turned around. “You’re asking for trouble. I suggest you leave and save yourself a lot of trouble.”

“Step away from the woman or die.” Slade’s black eyes narrowed in warning.

The vampire shifted nervously, and then snorted. “I think you’re way out numbered to be giving orders, asshole.”

Slade cocked his head. “I’m not talking to them. I’m talking to you. Step away from her or die.”

“Fuck you.” The leader leaned closer to Slade to say those words, stepping on Jill’s leg.

Slade spun, his leg kicking out so fast the vampire never knew what hit him as Slade’s size 14 met the side of his neck, cracking it instantly. “No, fuck you,” Slade spat.

Teresa Gabelman's books